
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance accepting the dedication of Aldino Street, from Harvard Street to Station Street; Harvard Square, from Sheridan Avenue to Collins Street; Kirkwood Place, from North Euclid Avenue to a point 66.13 feet westwardly therefrom, all in the Eleventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, for public highway purposes, opening and naming the same." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1967, no. 162. Passed May 8, 1967; approved May 12, 1967. Ordinance Book 68, p. 597. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1967, appendix, pp. 122–123, Park Printing, Inc., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1967).

No. 162

AN ORDINANCE—Accepting the dedication of Aldino Street, from Harvard Street to Station Street; Harvard Square, from Sheridan Avenue to Collins Street; Kirkwood Place, from North Euclid Avenue to a point 66.13 feet westwardly therefrom, all in the Eleventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, for public highway purposes, opening and naming the same.

The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:

Section 1. That the dedication of Aldino Street, from Harvard Street to Station Street; Harvard Square, from Sheridan Avenue to Collins Street; Kirkwood Place, from North Euclid Avenue to a point 66.13 feet westwardly therefrom, all in the Eleventh Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, for public highway purposes, opening and naming the same, shall be and the same are hereby accepted and descirbed [sic] as follows, to-wit:


The easterly line shall be parallel and 47.08 feet west of the westerly line of Sheridan Avenue, between the above termini. The westerly line of Aldino Street shall be parallel to said easterly line and 40.00 feet therefrom, as more fully described in Urban Redevelopment Authority Contract No. 2, Plan Drawing No. A-4688, on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The width of Aldino Street shall be 40.00 feet.


The northerly line shall coincide with the northerly line of Harvard Street extended eastwardly, between the above termini. The southerly line shall be parallel to said northerly line and 40.00 feet therefrom, as more fully described in Urban Redevelopment Authority Contract No. 2, Plan Drawing No. A-4687, on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The width of Harvard Square shall be 40.00 feet.


The northerly line shall coincide with the northerly line of Kirkwood Street extended westwardly, between the above termini. The southerly line shall be parallel to said northerly line and 40.00 feet therefrom. The width of Kirkwood Place shall be 40.00 feet.

Section 2. Aldino Street, Harvard Square and Kirkwood Place, as aforesaid dedicated to said City for public highway purposes, shall be and the same are hereby opened as public highways of the City of Pittsburgh and are hereby named "ALDINO STREET", "HARVARD SQUARE" and "KIRKWOOD PLACE".

Section 3. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed May 8, 1967.

Approved May 12, 1967.

Ordinance Book 68, Page 597.