"An ordinance vacating portions of Burleigh Street (formerly Burns Avenue), Gaza Way (formerly Unnamed Alley), Milnor Way (formerly Moore Avenue), and Willoughby Street (formerly Willard Avenue), as laid out in the 'West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots,' also Yeckley Way (formerly Unnamed Alley) partly in the 'West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots' and partly in the 'Noble Manor Revised Plan of Lots.'" Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1959, no. 430. Passed Dec. 14, 1959; approved Dec. 17, 1959. Ordinance Book 63, p. 33. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1959, appendix, pp. 276–277, Park Printing, Inc., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1959).
No. 430
AN ORDINANCE—Vacating portions of Burleigh Street (formerly Burns Avenue), Gaza Way (formerly Unnamed Alley), Milnor Way (formerly Moore Avenue), and Willoughby Street (formerly Willard Avenue), as laid out in the "West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots," also Yeckley Way (formerly Unnamed Alley) partly in the "West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots" and partly in the "Noble Manor Revised Plan of Lots."
Whereas, It appears by the Petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that the owners of all the property fronting or abutting on the lines of the above mentioned portions of the streets have petitioned the Council of the City of Pittsburgh to enact an Ordinance for the vacation of the same, Therefore,
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. That portions of Burleigh Street (formerly Burns Avenue), Gaza Way (formerly Unnamed Alley), Milnor Way (formerly Moore Avenue), and Willoughby Street (formerly Willard Avenue), as laid out in the "West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots," also Yeckley Way (formerly Unnamed Alley) partly in the West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots" and partly in the 'Noble Manor Revised Plan of Lots," shall be and the same are hereby vacated according to the following descriptions, to-wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Burleigh Street with the west line of Milnor Way; thence along the south line of Burleigh Street North 58° 48′ 00″ West 318.28 feet to a point; thence North 32° 06′ 05″ West 39.02 feet to a point on the north line of Burleigh Street; thence along the north line of Burleigh Street South 58° 48′ 00″ East 380.03 feet to the west line of Milnor Way; thence South 7° 14′ 00″ West 43.77 feet to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Gaza Way with the west line of Milnor Way; thence along the south line of Gaza Way North 58° 48′ 00″ West 158.70 feet to a point; thence North 13° 17′ 30″ West 21.03 feet to a point on the north line of Gaza Way; thence along the north line of Gaza Way South 58° 48′ 00″ East 166.77 feet to the west line of Milnor Way; thence South 7° 14′ 00″ West 16.41 feet to the place of beginning.
Beginning on a line parallel to and distant 5.00 feet south of the south line of Manley Street, as laid out in the "West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots," to the south line of Yeckley Way, as laid out in the "Noble Manor Revised Plan of Lots."
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Willoughby Street with the west line of Milnor Way; thence along the south line of Willoughby Street North 58° 48′ 00″ West 83.39 feet to a point; thence North 13° 17′ 30″ West 56.07 feet to a point on the north line of Willoughby Street; thence along the north line of Willoughby Street South 58° 48′ 00″ East 104.91 feet to the west line of Milnor Way; thence South 7° 14′ 00″ West 43.77 feet to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Yeckley Way with the east line of Milnor Way, as laid out in the "Noble Manor Revised Plan of Lots"; thence along the south line of Yeckley Way North 58° 48′ 00″ West 92.48 feet to a point; thence North 12° 38′ 55″ East 21.09 feet to the north line of Yeckley Way as laid out in the "West Pittsburgh Terrace Plan of Lots"; thence along the north line of Yeckley Way South 58° 48′ 00″ East 90.30 feet to the east line of Milnor Way; thence along the east line of Milnor Way South 7° 14′ 00″ West 21.88 feet to the place of beginning.
Section 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Passed December 14, 1959.
Approved December 17, 1959.
Ordinance Book 63, Page 33.