"An ordinance accepting the dedication of Point Breeze Court as shown on the 'Charles Hall Plan of Lots' in the Fourteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh laid out by Charles Hall for public highway purposes, opening and changing the name thereof to Point Breeze Place, fixing the width and position of the roadway and sidewalks thereof, establishing the grade thereof, accepting the grading, paving, curbing and sewering of the same, and accepting the sewering on a 15.0 foot casement extending from the northerly terminus of Point Breeze Place to June Way." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1954, no. 179. Passed June 1, 1954; approved June 4, 1954. Ordinance Book 59, p. 307. Reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 9, 1954, p. 22 ( 90127539), and June 10, p. 19 ( 90127704).