
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance granting unto the Carnegie Illinois Steel Corporation of Pittsburgh, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and use two overhead passageways or foot bridges over and across Relief Way connecting the Carnegie Building with the Frick Annex Building, Second Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1937, no. 77. Passed Feb. 23, 1937; approved Mar. 4, 1937. Ordinance Book 48, p. 14. Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, Mar. 6, 1937, p. 18 ( 523947773), and Mar. 8, p. 29 ( 523357581); and in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 8, 1937, p. 27 ( 90318253), and Mar. 9, p. 25 ( 90318281).