
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 114

AN ORDINANCE—Annexing a portion of Mifflin Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, to the City of Pittsburgh.

WHEREAS, Three-fifths and more of the taxables of all that certain portion of Mifflin Township hereinafter described have presented a petition accompanied by a plot to Council of the City of Pittsburgh, praying that that portion of Mifflin Township hereinafter described may be annexed to the City of Pittsburgh, the said petition and plot being on file in the office of the City Clerk; and,

WHEREAS, The City of Pittsburgh is desirous of annexing the same to the City of Pittsburgh; Now, therefore,

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That all that certain portion of Mifflin Township, in the County of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, contiguous to the City of Pittsburgh, hereinafter bounded and described, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Pittsburgh and subject to its jurisdiction and government. Said portion of Mifflin Township so annexed to the City of Pittsburgh is more specifically bounded and described as follows, to-wit:—

Beginning at a point on Township road at corner of R. A. Woods and Mary Maust Plan; thence by Maust Plan N. 32° 30′ W. a distance of 869.52 feet; thence by said Plan S. 68° W. a distance of 592.73 feet more or less to 31st Ward line, formerly Hays Borough Line; thence by said line the following courses and distances N. 54° 43′ W. 463.65 feet; thence N. 17° 30′ W. 117.88 feet; thence N. 40° 27′ W. 328 feet; thence N. 1° 13′ W. 638.5 feet; thence S. 66° 47′ W. 239.0 feet; thence N. 41° 28′ W. 109.19 feet; thence S. 70° 14′ W. 205.98 feet; thence N. 60° 43′ W. 137.18 feet; thence N. 43° 18′ W. 100.0 feet; thence S. 46° 42′ W. 110.0 feet to Irwin street; thence N. 43° 18′ W. 191.20 feet; thence N. 50° 35′ W. 179.86 feet to dividing line of lots Nos. 12 and 13 in Doerr Terrace Plan; thence by said dividing line N. 39° 25′ E. 242.16 feet to Bluff street; thence along Bluff street N. 47° 18′ W. 419.03 feet to dividing line between lots Nos. 31 and 32; thence by same N. 83° 13′ W. 241.36 feet to Highland avenue; thence by same S. 13° 04′ W. 106.09 feet to Irwin street; thence by Irwin street and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company the following courses and distances:—N. 22° 10′ W. 129.40 feet; thence N. 2° 43′ W. 142.70 feet; thence No. 4° 0′ E. 432.70 feet; thence N. 19° 53′ E. 622 feet; thence N. 19° 30′ E. 778.40 feet; thence N. 44° 25′ E. 191.70 feet to West Homestead Borough Line; thence by Borough Line S. 44° 54′ E. 386.79 feet; thence N. 45° 29′ E. 4723.50 feet; thence S. 56° 31′ E. 510.88 feet; thence N. 40° 29′ E. 100.75 feet; thence S. 49° 31′ E. 1090.96 feet; thence still by West Homestead Borough Line S. 45° 13′ W. 1510.83 feet; thence S. 68° 22′ E. 596.48 feet; thence S. 32° 23′ W. 846.80 feet; thence N. 57° 37′ W. 100.0 feet; thence S. 32° 23′ W. 250.0 feet; thence S. 57° 37′ E. 100.0 feet; thence S. 32° 23′ W. 956.45 feet to Bankers Coal Co.; thence S. 42° 52′ E. 235.60 feet to Munhall Borough Line; thence by Munhall Borough Line S. 5° 11′ E. 1241.74 feet; thence S. 59° 30′ W. 99.0 feet to Homestead Terrace Plan; thence S. 19° 30′ E. 940.42 feet; thence S. 65° W. 392.70 feet; thence S. 25° E. 640.20 feet to Township road; thence by Township road S. 68° 30′ W. 565.95 feet; thence still by Township road S. 50° 30′ W. 643.50 feet; thence S. 59° 30′ W. 132.0 feet to a point at the place of beginning.

Section 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed February 24, 1931.

Approved February 27, 1931.

Ordinance Book 43, Page 509.