
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance designating names for the unnamed streets and alleys, laid out in the various plans of lots, and the unnamed township roads, in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly a portion of Mifflin Township)." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1930, no. 99. Passed Mar. 24, 1930; approved Mar. 31, 1930. Ordinance Book 42, p. 385. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1930, appendix, pp. 138–139, City Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1930).

No. 99

AN ORDINANCE—Designating names for the unnamed streets and alleys, laid out in the various plans of lots, and the unnamed township roads, in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly a portion of Mifflin Township).

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the unnamed streets and alleys, in the various plans of lots, as recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, etc., for Allegheny County, and the unnamed township roads, in the Thirty-first Ward of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly a portion of Mifflin Township), shall be and the same are hereby designated as follows, to-wit:

Brierley Plan of Lots—Brierley Bros.—Plan Book Vol. 22, pages 24 and 25.

Unnamed alley, lying between Miller avenue and Maple avenue, from Park avenue to Locust street, be named "M" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Maple avenue and Clifton avenue, from Park avenue to an unnamed alley south of Walnut street, be named "N" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Locust street and Walnut street, from Miller avenue to Clifton avenue, be named "O" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Walnut street and Brierley avenue, from Miller avenue to Clifton avenue, be named "P" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Clifton avenue and Main street, from Locust street to Brierley avenue, be named Plaport way.

Unnamed alley, lying along the City Line from Oakwood avenue to Main street, be named "Q" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Oakwood avenue and Main street, from Brierley avenue northwardly to an unnamed alley, be named "R" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Park avenue and Locust street from Clifton avenue to Short street, be named "S" way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Clifton avenue and Main street from Park avenue to an unnamed alley lying south of Locust street be named "T" way.

Brierley Plan of Lots No. 2—Brierley Bros.—Plan Book Vol. 24, page 83.

Unnamed alley, lying east of Main street from Park avenue to the north line of plan, be named Navy way.

Brierley Plan of Lots No. 3—Brierley Bros.—Plan Book Vol. 28, page 71.

Unnamed alley, lying east of Main street, from the south line of plan to Brierley avenue, be named Navy way.

Calhoun Park Plan—Homestead Realty Co.—Plan Book Vol. 27, pages 174 and 175.

Unnamed way lying between the north line of plan and Greenwood avenue from Greenwood avenue to Park avenue, be named Kinley way.

Unnamed street, from Woodrow avenue to "K" way, be named Leaf street.

Lincoln Place Plan—Plan Book Vol. 16, pages 150, 151 and 152.

Unnamed alley, lying between Girard avenue and McAdams avenue; Magee avenue and Davis avenue, from an unnamed alley south of Haslett avenue to Neel avenue, be named Antarctic way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Davis avenue and Homer avenue; Davis avenue and Risher avenue, from an unnamed alley east of McAdams avenue to Neel avenue, be named Arctic way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Seif avenue and Girard avenue; Neel avenue and Magee avenue, from an unnamed alley south of Haslett avenue to Neel avenue, be named Commission way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Homer avenue and Haslett avenue; Homer avenue and Woodland avenue, from Seif avenue to Helen avenue, be named Cooley way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Haslett avenue and Park View avenue; Woodland avenue and Park View avenue, from Grace street to Neel avenue, be named Elwell way.

Unnamed alley, lying east of McAdams avenue, from an unnamed alley south of Haslett avenue to an unnamed alley south of Davis avenue, be named Flight way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Haslett avenue and Lincoln avenue, from west line of Lincoln Place Plan to the railway's right of way, be named Heretick way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Risher avenue and Homer avenue, from Neel avenue to Risher avenue, be named Margray way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Baltimore street and Arthur avenue, from west line of Lincoln Place Plan to an unnamed alley west of Seif avenue, be named Motion way.

Unnamed alley, lying south of Haslett avenue and west of Seif avenue between the west line of Lincoln Place Plan and Neel avenue, be named Official way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Wilson avenue and Baltimore street, from the west line of Lincoln Place Plan to an unnamed alley west of Seif avenue, be named Title way.

Unnamed alley, from Homer avenue to Woodland avenue, be named Vote way.

McElhinny Plan—McElhinny Heirs—Plan Book Vol. 17, page 198.

Unnamed alley, lying between Main street and Madison street, from May street to McElhinny avenue, be named Cosmos way.

Unnamed alley, lying between Highland street and Main street, from Poplar alley to McElhinny avenue, be named Poppy way.

Unnamed alley, lying along the north line of plan, from May street to McElhinny avenue, be named "W" way.

McElhinny Plan of Lots, Extension No. 1—McElhinny Heirs—Plan Book Vol. 19, page 24.

Unnamed alley, lying between Wall street and the north line of plan, from McElhinny avenue to Century avenue, be named Mohrbach way.

Plan of Annexation—Ordinance approved July 22, 1929—Ordinance Book Vol. 41, page 504.

Unnamed alley, lying between Davis avenue and Traction avenue, from City Line, to Neel avenue, be named Arctic way.

Unnamed Township Road.

Unnamed township road, from Pittsburgh and McKeesport Boulevard to West Run road, be named Mooney road.

Section 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed March 24, 1930.

Approved March 31, 1930.

Ordinance Book 42, Page 385.