
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance changing the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes, alleys and ways in the Thirtieth Ward (formerly Knoxville Borough)." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1927, no. 206. Passed Mar. 21, 1927; approved Mar. 26, 1927. Ordinance Book 38, p. 409. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the year 1927, appendix, pp. 186–187, Smith Bros. Co. Inc., Pittsburgh (Google Books cZfgUddPQR0C; HathiTrust uiug.30112109819802; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1927).

No. 206

AN ORDINANCE—Changing the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes, alleys and ways in the Thirtieth Ward (formerly Knoxville Borough).

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes, alleys and ways in the Thirtieth Ward (formerly Knoxville Borough), shall be and the same are hereby changed as follows, to wit:

Albatross Way, from Tarragonna Avenue to Elkhorn Way—Changed to Onyx Way.

Calvert Street, from Beltzhoover Avenue to Amanda Avenue—Changed to Charles Street.

Centre Way, from Rochelle Street to Calvert Street—Changed to Chalrock Way.

Clinton Way, from Beltzhoover Avenue and Virgonia Avenue to Georgia Avenue and Ibis Way—Changed to Michigan Way.

Daytona Street, from Tarragonna Avenue to Georgia Avenue—Changed to Camfield Street.

Elkhorn Way, from Hilford Street to Mathews Avenue—Changed to Roll Way.

Grouse Way, from Marland Street to Mathews Avenue—Changed to Romeyn Way.

Hartford Street, from Beltzhoover Avenue to Arlington Avenue—Changed to Cedarhurst Street.

Hilford Street, from Tarragonna Avenue to Brownsville Road—Changed to Reifert Street.

Malcolm Street, from Suncrest Street to Brownsville Road—Changed to Moore Avenue.

Mantell Street, from Knox Avenue to Brownsville Road—Changed to Mathews Avenue.

Nesta Way, from Beltzhoover Avenue to Ibis Way—Changed to Sylvania Way.

Penguin Way, from Tarragonna Avenue to Elkhorn Way—Changed to Duart Way.

Roscoe Street, from Arabella Street to Mathews Avenue—Changed to Redlyn Street.

Short Way, from McKinley Park to Arabella Street—Changed to Brief Way.

Starling Way, from Suncrest Street to Virgonia Avenue—Changed to Marland Way.

Virgonia Way, from Mathews Avenue and Malcolm Street to Arabella Street and Suncrest Street—Changed to Grimes Way.

Virgonia Avenue, from Hartford Street, Arabella Street, Suncrest Street, McKinley Street to Mathews Avenue, Malcolm Street, Alice Street, Wilbur Street—Changed to Grimes Way.

Wattle Way, from Elsinburg Way to Hartford Street—Changed to Roll Way.

Section 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed March 21, 1927.

Approved March 26, 1927.

Ordinance Book 38, Page 409.