
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance opening Irwin avenue, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, from Columbus avenue to Brighton road and providing that the costs, damages and expenses occasioned thereby be assessed against and collected from properties benefited thereby." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1927, no. 111. Passed Feb. 21, 1927; approved Feb. 24, 1927. Ordinance Book 38, p. 224. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the year 1927, appendix, pp. 64–65, Smith Bros. Co. Inc., Pittsburgh (Google Books cZfgUddPQR0C; HathiTrust uiug.30112109819802; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1927). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Mar. 3, 1927, p. 21 ( 88485502), and Mar. 4, p. 19 ( 88485540).

No. 111

AN ORDINANCE—Opening Irwin avenue, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, from Columbus avenue to Brighton road and providing that the costs, damages and expenses occasioned thereby be assessed against and collected from properties benefited thereby.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That Irwin avenue, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, from Columbus avenue to Brighton road be and the same is hereby opened to a variable width by taking for public use for highway purposes all of the following described property, to wit.:

Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Charles street and the northerly line of Columbus avenue; thence extending along the northerly line of Columbus avenue south 86° 46′ 40″ west 79.90 feet to the dividing line between properties now or late of Innocente Braghin and Luigla Braghin, his wife, and Paul F. Prugar; thence along said dividing line north 3° 41′ 40″ west 32.17 feet to a point; thence north 42° 30′ 30″ west 76.65 feet to the dividing line between properties now or late of Jessie C. Alexander and I. H. Fleishman; thence along latter mentioned dividing line south 86° 46′ 40″ west 31.68 feet to the easterly line of Brighton road; thence along the easterly line of Brighton road north 3° 33′ 00″ west 82.91 feet to a point of curve in same; thence continuing along same in a northerly direction by the arc of a circle deflecting to the left with a radius of 180.0 feet and a central angle of 25° 23′ 30″ for a distance of 79.77 feet to the dividing line between properties now or late of Joseph K. Young and Christopher L. Magee Kress; thence along last mentioned dividing line north 86° 46′ 40″ east 1.74 feet to a point; thence south 36° 15′ 00″ east 3.61 feet to a point of curve; thence in a southerly direction by the arc of a circle deflecting to the left with a radius of 600.0 feet and a central angle of 6° 15′ 30″ for a distance of 65.54 feet to a point of tangent; thence by the tangent south 42° 30′ 30″ east 134.47 feet to the dividing line between properties now or late of Pleasant Valley Building and Loan Association and I. H. Fleishman; thence along last mentioned dividing line north 86° 46′ 40″ east 50.80 feet to the westerly line of Charles street; thence along the westerly line of Charles street south 3° 27′ 50″ east 91.50 feet to the place of beginning.

Section 2. The Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Irwin avenue, in the Twenty-fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, from Columbus avenue to Brighton road to be opened in conformity with the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance.

Section 3. The costs, damages and expenses occasioned thereby and the benefits to pay the same shall be assessed against and collected from properties benefited thereby in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating thereto and regulating the same.

Section 4. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed February 21, 1927.

Approved February 24, 1927.

Ordinance Book 38, Page 224.