
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance of the Township of Reserve authorizing and directing the construction of sanitary sewers on East side of Mount Troy road and South side and center of roadway of Borough street (also known as Pittview avenue), from about ninety feet north of Highland avenue on Mount Troy road to sewer on Borough street at City of Pittsburgh line; with branch sewers on Highland avenue, East Beckert avenue, Lowries lane (also known as Pittview avenue), the west side of Mount Troy road; on Magnolia alley and North side of Borough street (also known as Pittview avenue), from Troy street to proposed sewer on Borough street at a point northwest of macadam road, with branch sewer on West Beckert avenue; and providing that the costs, damages and expenses of the same be assessed against and collected from property specially benefited thereby." Reserve Township ordinance, 1924, no. 63. Enacted Oct. 14, 1924. Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Oct. 24, 1924, p. 19 ( 88698127).


An ordinance of the Township of Reserve authorizing and directing the construction of sanitary sewers on East side of Mount Troy road and South side and center of roadway of Borough street (also known as Pittview avenue), from about ninety feet north of Highland avenue on Mount Troy road to sewer on Borough street at City of Pittsburgh line; with branch sewers on Highland avenue, East Beckert avenue, Lowries lane (also known as Pittview avenue), the west side of Mount Troy road; on Magnolia alley and North side of Borough street (also known as Pittview avenue), from Troy street to proposed sewer on Borough street at a point northwest of macadam road, with branch sewer on West Beckert avenue; and providing that the costs, damages and expenses of the same be assessed against and collected from property specially benefited thereby.

Be it ordained and enacted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Reserve, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania in regular meeting assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same;

Section 1. That sanitary sewers shall be constructed on East side of Mount Troy road and on Borough street, commencing on the Easterly side of Mount Troy road at a point about ninety feet north of Highland avenue, thence southwardly along East side of Mount Troy road to Lowries lane (also known as Pittview avenue), thence westwardly to West side of Mount Troy road, thence southwardly to South side of Borough street (also known as Pittview avenue), thence along South side of Borough street to intersection of the macadam road, thence northwestwardly to center of Borough street, thence westwardly along Borough street to existing sewer at City of Pittsburgh line.

With a branch sewer on Highland avenue, commencing on Highland avenue at Thiel street, thence westwardly along Highland avenue to proposed sewer on Mount Troy road.

With a branch sewer on East Beckert avenue, commencing at a point about two hundred (200) feet east of Thiel street, thence westwardly along East Beckert avenue to proposed sewer on East side of Mount Troy road.

With a branch sewer on Lowries lane (also known as Pittview avenue), commencing on Lowries lane at a point about one hundred fifty (150) feet east of Thiel street, thence westwardly along Lowries lane to proposed sewer on Mount Troy road.

With a branch sewer on West side of Mount Troy road, commencing on West side of Mount Troy road at a point one hundred fifty (150) feet north of West Beckert avenue, thence southwardly along West side of Mount Troy road to proposed sewer at Borough street.

With a branch sewer on Magnolia alley and North side of Borough street, commencing on Magnolia alley at Troy street, thence southwardly along Magnolia alley to Borough street (also known as Pittview avenue), thence westwardly along North side of Borough street to connect with proposed sewer on Borough street about fifty feet beyond the macadam road.

With branch sewer on West Beckert avenue, commencing on West Beckert avenue about two hundred fifty (250) feet west of Magnolia alley, thence eastwardly along West Beckert avenue to proposed sewer on Magnolia alley.

All of the foregoing sewers shall be constructed of terra cotta pipe, eight inches in diameter.

Section 2. The Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Reserve is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in accordance with the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating thereto, for proposals for the construction of the sewers as set forth in Section 1 hereof; the contract or contracts therefor to be let by the Board of Commissioners in the manner directed by law.

Section 3. The costs, damages and expenses of the same shall be assessed against and collected from properties specially benefited thereby, in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating thereto and regulating the same.

Section 4. That any ordinance or part of ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed in so far as it conflicts with this ordinance.

Ordained and enacted this 14th day of October, 1924.


President of Board of Commissioners.
