"An ordinance establishing the names of the various streets, avenues, lanes, roads, alleys and ways in the Twenty-sixth Ward (formerly Reserve Township)." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1923, no. 449. Passed Nov. 26, 1923; approved Nov. 30, 1923. Ordinance Book 35, p. 16. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1923, appendix, p. 334, Kaufman Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Google Books XkEtAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223980; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1923).
No. 449
AN ORDINANCE—Establishing the names of the various streets, avenues, lanes, roads, alleys and ways in the Twenty-sixth Ward (formerly Reserve Township).
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the various streets, avenues, lanes, roads, alleys and ways in the Twenty-sixth Ward (formerly Reserve Township), shall be and the same are hereby established as follows, to-wit:
Street Names in Parenthesis Are Reserve Township Names.
Bahl street from Salir way (Sidney avenue) to Latimer street (Latimer avenue).
Fulton road from East street to City Line.
Manuel street from Faber way (Means avenue) to Chute way (Herbert street).
Manuel street from Salir way (Sidney avenue) to Latimer street (Latimer avenue).
Nelson's Run road from Peoples road to City Line.
Weier street from Salir street (Sidney street) to Landay street (Lindsay street).
Scribner street from Fulton road to B. Lindsay property line.
Section 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Passed November 26, 1923.
Approved November 30, 1923.
Ordinance Book 35, Page 16.