No. 81
AN ORDINANCE—Changing and establishing the names of Avenues, Streets and Ways in the City of Pittsburgh.
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of certain Avenues, Streets and Ways in the City of Pittsburgh shall be and the same are hereby changed and established as follows, to-wit
Warrington avenue from Montooth street to the City Line: changed to Warrington avenue West, 18th Ward.
Warrington avenue, from Montooth street to St. Thomas street: changed to Warrington avenue East, 17th and 18th Wards.
Graphic street, from Loretta street to Bolton Street: changed to Tesla street and way, 15th Ward.
Loresch street, from Jucunda street to Fineview avenue: changed to Myler street, 25th Ward.
Corlear way, from Hays street to Livery way: changed to Ryolite way, 11th Ward.
Juno way, from Seaton street to Nutt way: changed to July way, 19th Ward.
Walnut alley, from July way to Creedmore avenue: changed to Nutt way, 19th Ward.
Spruce way, from Hobson avenue to Bron way: changed to Elira way, 19th Ward.
Lyric way, from Clippert street to Nox way: changed to Yola way, 19th Ward.
Lyric way, from Nox way to Nutt way: changed to Yola way, 19th Ward.
Birch way, from Freedom street, to Hobson avenue: changed to Bush way, 19th Ward.
Lysle way, from Oakridge avenue, to Woodbourne avenue: changed to Lugi way, 19th Ward.
Union way, from Civic way to Royster way: changed to Unis way, 19th Ward.
Pitney way, from Royster way to Civic way: changed to Peruvian way, 19th Ward.
Dahlia way, from Edgebrook avenue, to Whitted [sic] street: changed to Dell way, 19th Ward.
Section 2. That the names of certain Avenues, Streets and Ways in the City of Pittsburgh shall be and the same are hereby established as follows, to-wit:
Roth way, from Perchment street to Ferndale street, 13th Ward.
Bron way, from Ormand street to Merrick avenue, 19th Ward.
Ava way, from Bellaire avenue to Gallion avenue, 19th Ward.
Hood way, from Mountford street to Olive street, 25th Ward.
Ned way, from Lelia street to property line southeast of Boggs avenue, 19th Ward.
Rod way, from Blackadore street to Angoria way, 13th Ward.
Finn way, from Osprey way to Chatsworth avenue, 15th Ward.
Osprey way, from Minden street to Finn way, 15th Ward.
Angoria way, from Rod way to City Line, 13th Ward.
Section 3. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Passed March 14, 1921.
Approved March 17, 1921.
Ordinance Book 32, Page 212.