
From Pittsburgh Streets

Ordinance No 71.

An Ordinance changing and establishing the names of Avenues and Streets in the Township of Union, Allegheny County, Pa.

Be it ordained and enacted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Union, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same.

Section 1. That the names of the following avenues, streets and roads in the Township of Union be and the same are hereby established and changed as follows to wit:

Street From To Changed to
Rye Ave. Wenzel Ave. Pitt St. Front St.
Corn Ave. Wenzel Ave. Hilcrest Ave. Bank St.
Barley Ave. Boustead St. Store St. Hilcrest Ave.
Weir Ave. Carnahan Ave. Chappel Ave. Younger Ave.
Denlin Ave. Wenzel Ave. Bellingham Bellingham Ave.

Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed in so far as they affect this ordinance.

Ordained and enacted into a law this 2nd day of March A. D. 1920.

Geo Taylor President

R H Chappel, Secretary