
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 66

AN ORDINANCE—Vacating Cantee street, from Second avenue to the southerly line of Hike way; Hike way, from Cantee street to Brady street and an unnamed 10-foot way, from Brady street eastwardly, for the distance of 77.635 feet, in the Fourth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh.

Whereas, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the office of the City Clerk, that the National Tube Company and Second Avenue Passenger Railway Company, the owners of all the property fronting or abutting upon the lines of Cantee street, from Second avenue to the southerly line of Hike way; Hike way, from Cantee street to Brady street and an unnamed 10-foot way, from Brady street eastwardly for the distance of 77.635 feet, have petitioned the Council the City of Pittsburgh to enact an ordinance for the vacation of the same; therefore,

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That Cantee street, from Second avenue to the southerly line of Hike way; Hike way, from Cantee street to Brady street and an unnamed 10-foot way, from Brady street eastwardly for the distance of 77.635 feet, in the Fourth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, as shown on E. D. Gazzam's Plan of Lots, recorded in the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, in Plan Book, Vol. 4, page 251 and as hereinafter more fully described, shall be and the same are hereby vacated.


Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Second avenue and the westerly line of Cantee street, as shown on said Gazzam's Plan; thence along the said southerly line of Second avenue north 87 degrees 05 minutes 27.2 seconds east, for the distance of 50.761 feet to the easterly line of Cantee street; thence along the easterly line of said Cantee street south 7 degrees 01 minutes 27.2 seconds west, for the distance of 130.304 feet to the southerly line of Hike way; thence along the southerly line of Hike way south 87 degrees 05 minutes 27.2 seconds west, for the distance of 50.761 feet to the westerly line of Cantee street; thence along the said westerly line of Cantee street north 7 degrees 01 minutes 27.2 seconds east, for the distance of 130.304 feet to the place of beginning, containing 6515.20 square feet.


Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Cantee street and the northerly line of Hike way, as shown on said Gazzam Plan; thence along the northerly line of Hike way north 87 degrees 05 minutes 27.2 seconds east, for the distance of 365.678 feet to the westerly line of Brady street; thence along the said westerly line of Brady street south 7 degrees 01 minute 27.2 seconds west, for the distance of 20.30 feet to the southerly line of Hike way; thence along the said southerly line of Hike way south 87 degrees 05 minutes 27.2 seconds west, for the distance of 365.678 feet to the easterly line of Cantee street; thence along the said easterly line of Cantee street north 7 degrees 01 mniutes [sic] 27.2 seconds east, for the distance of 20.304 feet to the place of beginning, containing 7,313.56 square feet.


Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Brady street, at a distance of 99.67 feet south of the south line of Second avenue and the northerly line of an unnamed 10-foot way, as shown on said Gazzam Plan; thence along the northerly line of said unnamed way north 87 degrees 05 minutes 27.2 seconds east, for the distance of 77.635 feet to a point; thence south 14 degrees 32 minutes 27.2 seconds west, for the distance of 10.482 feet to a point on the southerly line of said unnamed way; thence along said southerly line south 87 degrees 05 minutes 27.2 seconds west, for the distance of 76.243 feet to the easterly line of Brady street; thence along the easterly line of said Brady street north 7 degrees 01 minutes 27.2 seconds east, for the distance of 10.152 feet to the place of beginning, containing 769.39 square feet.

Section 2. This ordinance is enacted subject to the rights and privileges of the City of Pittsburgh to enter upon the said unnamed 10-foot way, between Brady street and a point 77.635 feet eastwardly therefrom, for the purpose of constructing a sewer, whenever it may be desirable to do so and for the purposes of repairing, rebuilding and maintaining the same thereafter.

Section 3. This ordinance, however, shall not take effect, or be of any force or validity whatsoever, unless the National Tube Company and the Second Avenue Passenger Railway Company, owners of the property abutting upon Cantee street, from Second avenue to the southerly line of Hike way; Hike way, from Cantee street to Brady street, and an unnamed 10-foot way, from Brady street eastwardly, for the distance of 77.635 feet, shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, pay into the Treasury of the City of Pittsburgh the sum of fifteen thousand ($15,000.00) dollars for the use of the City of Pittsburgh.

Section 4. That any ordinance or part of ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.

Passed March 25, 1918.

Approved March 28, 1918.

Ordinance Book 29, page 358.