"An ordinance vacating Blair Street, as laid out in the Thomas Williams Plan of Lots, approved by Council November 11, 1872, from Hollywood Street southeastwardly for the distance of 398.50 feet; Composite Way, as laid out in the said Thomas Williams Plan of Lots and the A. E. Succop Plan, approved March 30, 1883, from Hollywood Street to Longworth Street; Hollywood Street, as laid out in the said Thomas Williams Plan of Lots, from Blair Street to Second Avenue; Kansas Street, as laid out in the said Thomas Williams and A. E. Succop Plans of Lots, between Hollywood Street and Longworth Street; Lytle Street, as opened by Ordinance No. 327, approved December 15, 1892, from Hollywood Street to Longworth Street; Rome Way, as laid out in the said Thomas Williams Plan of Lots, from Hollywood Street southeastwardly for the distance of 398.17 feet, and an unnamed twenty-foot way, lying between Blair Street and Lytle Street, laid out in the said Thomas Williams Plan of Lots, from Hollywood Street southeastwardly for a distance of 398.25 feet, in the Fifteenth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1918, no. 289. Passed Oct. 7, 1918; approved Oct. 10, 1918. Ordinance Book 30, p. 19. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh for the Year 1918, appendix, pp. 228–230, McClung Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1918).