
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 78

AN ORDINANCE—Designating and naming certain streets and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of certain unnamed streets and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh shall be designated and named, and the same are hereby designated and named as follows, to wit:

Unnamed alley, from Dagmar avenue to Lettie Hill, along north line of West Liberty Plan No. 3, Nineteenth ward, be named Andick alley.

Unnamed street and alley, from Angle to Elliott, being continuation of Corfu, Twentieth ward, be named Corfu street and alley.

Unnamed street and alley, from Montezuma to Hedge, being continuation of Hedge, Twelfth ward, be named Hedge street and alley.

Unnamed alley, from Gershon to Sunset avenue, being first alley north of South Side avenue, Twenty-sixth ward, be named Hyphen alley.

Unnamed street, from Taggart to property line, Twenty-sixth ward, be named Kenn.

Unnamed alley, from Allendale to Ohio Connecting Railroad, along Chartiers Township line, Twentieth ward, be named Nathan alley.

Unnamed street, from Steuben to Berdella, Twentieth ward, be named Oswin.

Section 2. That all names not otherwise designated in this Ordinance shall be and the same are hereby established as streets.

Section 3. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed March 10, 1914.

Approved March 14, 1914.

Ordinance Book 26, page 14.