
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 360.

AN ORDINANCE—Designating the names of five unnamed alleys in the City of Pittsburgh.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of five unnamed alleys, in the City of Pittsburgh, shall be designated and the same are hereby designated as follows:

Unnamed ten foot alley laid out along the easterly line of West Liberty Plan of Lot No. 1, in the Nineteenth ward, be named Bazore way.

Unnamed alley from Dream avenue to an unnamed alley, as laid out in Bailey and Moon Plan, in the Nineteenth ward, be named Dream way.

Unnamed alley from Sanders street to Trevanion street, as laid out in Wilkins Place Plan of Lots, in the Fourteenth ward, be named Agate way.

Unnamed alley from Hutchinson street to the city line, as laid out in Wilkins Place Plan of Lots, in the Fourteenth ward, be named Hearst way.

Unnamed alley from Thompson street to unnamed alley, as laid out in Jennie K. Mellon's Ball Park Plan, in the Twelfth ward, be named Reo way.

Section 2. That any ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance.

Passed in Council October 13, 1914.

Approved October 16, 1914.


Recorded in Ordinance Book, volume 26, page 307.