"An ordinance changing and establishing the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly known as the Boroughs of West Liberty and Beechview)." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1909–1910, no. 375. Passed Oct. 14, 1909; approved Oct. 20, 1909. Ordinance Book 20, p. 614. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the Years 1909–1910, appendix, pp. 146–150, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1910 (Google Books doQzAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223832; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1909). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Nov. 11, 1909, p. 8 ( 86421216), and Nov. 12, p. 11 ( 86421491).
AN ORDINANCE—Changing and establishing the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly known as the Boroughs of West Liberty and Beechview).
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of certain avenues, lanes and alleys in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly known as the Boroughs of West Liberty and Beechview) shall be and the same are hereby changed as follows, to wit:
Algeo avenue, from Fallowfield avenue to Fairacres avenue, changed to Alturia, Nineteenth ward.
Allerton way, from Aidyl avenue to Bindley way, changed to Alumni alley, Nineteenth ward.
Alton avenue, from Wentworth avenue to Cagwin, changed to Alverado avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Arion alley, from Dabney alley to Pioneer avenue, changed to Alvena alley, Nineteenth ward.
Bankerd, from Pioneer avenue to property line, changed to Bellbrook, Nineteenth ward.
Beckard way, from Warrington avenue to Hargrove, changed to Brosius way, Nineteenth ward.
Bedford avenue, from Mackinaw avenue to Shiras avenue, changed to Bensonia avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bennis avenue, from Skidmore avenue to property line, changed to Razore, Nineteenth ward.
Beverly avenue, from Berwin avenue to property line, changed to Beverage avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Boyer avenue, from Pioneer avenue to West Liberty avenue, changed to Belle Isle avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Broadway, from Mackinaw avenue to Fremont avenue, changed to Fremont place, Nineteenth ward.
Broadway, from Catalpa to Fallowfield avenue, changed to Baltimore, Nineteenth ward.
Caledonia avenue, from unnamed alley to city line, changed to Camfield, Eighteenth ward.
Cambridge avenue, from Banksville road to Catalpa, changed to Candace, Nineteenth ward.
Carvel avenue, from Bon Air avenue to Camargo avenue, changed to Caperton, Eighteenth ward.
Clover alley, from Rossmore avenue to unnamed alley, changed to Caress alley, Nineteenth ward.
Conniston avenue, from Theobald to Bon Air avenue, changed to Camargo avenue, Eighteenth ward.
Crawford avenue, from Dorchester avenue to Brookline boulevard, changed to Castlegate avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Crossan, from Belasco to city line, changed to Cagwin, Nineteenth ward.
Curran avenue, from Crosby avenue to Banksville road, changed to Catalpa, Nineteenth ward.
Daisey alley, from Gallion avenue to property line, changed to Dubroff alley, Nineteenth ward.
Day avenue, from Theobald to Tarragonna, changed to Drycove, Eighteenth ward.
Denton avenue, from Pioneer avenue to property line, changed to Dunster, Nineteenth ward.
Derby alley, from Winterhill to Belle Isle avenue, changed to Dabney alley, Nineteenth ward.
Eagle avenue, from Vernita to Camfield, changed to Embargo, Eighteenth ward.
Eldon avenue, from Wolford to property line, changed to Eathan avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Elinore avenue, from Oldshue property to Paul property, changed to Elmbank, Nineteenth ward.
Emmons way, from Aidyl avenue to Jillson avenue, changed to Edgevale alley, Nineteenth ward.
Fairacres, from Hampshire avenue to property line, changed to Fairplay, Nineteenth ward.
Fern alley, from property line to city line, changed to Fitch alley, Nineteenth ward.
Frazier way, from Aidyl avenue to Jillson avenue, changed to Fitzhugh way, Nineteenth ward.
Freda avenue, from Calle avenue to Caperton, changed to Fordyce, Eighteenth ward.
Glen alley, from Dorchester avenue to Norwich avenue, changed to Good alley, Nineteenth ward.
Glendale avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Glenarm avenue, changed to Gallion avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Glendon avenue, from Brookline boulevard to Eathan avenue, changed to Glenarm avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Grape alley, from Bellaire avenue to unnamed alley, changed to Gonsha alley, Nineteenth ward.
Gray, from Goldstrom avenue to city line, changed to Graymore, Nineteenth ward.
Greely avenue, from Bronson avenue to Rutherford avenue, changed to Goldstrom avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Handem avenue, from Oldshue property to Paul property, changed to Hartranft, Nineteenth ward.
Herman, from Warburton to West Liberty avenue, changed to Hargrove, Nineteenth ward.
Holly alley, from Pioneer avenue to city line, changed to Harex alley, Nineteenth ward.
Holmes way, from Capital avenue to property line, changed to Haddon alley, Nineteenth ward.
Iliad avenue, from Dane to Bon Air avenue, changed to Institute, Eighteenth ward.
Ivy, from Timberland avenue to Warrington avenue, changed to Intervale, Eighteenth–Nineteenth wards.
Ivy alley, from Crocus alley to Queensboro avenue, changed to Isham alley, Nineteenth ward.
Jay avenue, from Tarragonna to property line, changed to Janeaux, Eighteenth ward.
Kaiser avenue, from Saw Mill run to city line, changed to Warrington avenue, Eighteenth ward.
Kenberma avenue, from Limasco avenue to Longmore avenue, changed to Kiralfy avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Knowlson avenue, from Aidyl avenue to Jillson avenue, changed to Kenilworth, Nineteenth ward.
Laurel alley, from Briar alley to property line, changed to Lajoie alley, Nineteenth ward.
Laurel alley, from Thistle alley to Sussex avenue, changed to Lariat alley, Nineteenth ward.
Lenox avenue, from Stetson to property line, changed to Lapeer, Nineteenth ward.
Lester, from Timberland avenue to property line, changed to Leavitt, Nineteenth ward.
Lilac alley, from Midland to property line, changed to Limore alley, Nineteenth ward.
Lilly avenue, from Bellbrook to Elmbank, changed to LaMarido, Nineteenth ward.
Lonergran avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Catalpa, changed to Limasco avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Luverne avenue, from Fernhill avenue to property line, changed to LaMoine, Nineteenth ward.
Magic alley, from Dubroff alley to Glenarm avenue, changed to Mast alley, Nineteenth ward.
Malvern, from Coast avenue to Crane avenue, changed to Methyl, Nineteenth ward.
Maple alley, from West Liberty avenue to Suburban avenue, changed to Metropole alley, Nineteenth ward.
Merchant avenue, from Hargrove to West Side Belt R. R., changed to Manokin, Nineteenth ward.
Merchant avenue, from Dawn avenue to Sebring avenue, changed to Mohamet, Nineteenth ward.
Merton avenue, from Dorchester avenue to Fordham avenue, changed to Midland, Nineteenth ward.
Montour way, from Mohamet to Hargrove, changed to Mango way, Nineteenth ward.
McNeilly avenue, from Pioneer avenue to city line, changed to McConnell avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Neeld avenue, from Banksville road to property line, changed to Narragansett, Nineteenth ward.
Newport avenue, from Mackinaw avenue to Shiras avenue, changed to Nantuck avenue, Nineteenth ward.
North alley, from Warburton to Brosius way, changed to Nutmeg alley, Nineteenth ward.
Norway avenue, from Coast avenue to city line, changed to Napoleon, Nineteenth ward.
Olive alley, from Glenarm avenue to unnamed alley, changed to Oleatha alley, Nineteenth ward.
Peach alley, from Rutherford avenue to Beechview avenue, changed to Parody alley, Nineteenth ward.
Penn alley, from Templeton avenue to Belle Isle avenue, changed to Pardee alley, Nineteenth ward.
Plum alley, from Queensboro avenue to city line, changed to Parkomo alley, Nineteenth ward.
Polland avenue, from Jillson avenue to Brookline boulevard, changed to Parquet, Nineteenth ward.
Press alley, from Sivoger property northward, changed to Prentice alley, Nineteenth ward.
Randall avenue, from Warburton to LaMirado, changed to Racook, Nineteenth ward.
Renton avenue, from Sebring avenue to property line, changed to Recinto, Nineteenth ward.
Rockland avenue, from Curranhill avenue to Longmore avenue, changed to Ringwalt, Nineteenth ward.
Rural alley, from Glenarm avenue to unnamed alley, changed to Repeal alley, Nineteenth ward.
Rustic alley, from Dubroff alley to Glenarm avenue, changed to Raeburn alley, Nineteenth ward.
Sage alley, from Bellaire avenue to Eathan avenue, changed to Scroll alley, Nineteenth ward.
Saratoga avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Shiras avenue, changed to Skidmore avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Sherwood avenue, from Dorchester avenue to Brookline boulevard, changed to Stebbins avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Short, from Warnock to property line, changed to Shevlin, Nineteenth ward.
Short, from West Liberty avenue to Magic avenue, changed to Sepoy, Nineteenth ward.
Short way, from Halstead avenue to Shawhan avenue, changed to Sefton way, Nineteenth ward.
South alley, from Dawn avenue to Mango way, changed to Sandrun alley, Nineteenth ward.
South alley, from Warburton to West Side Belt R. R., changed to Sabula alley, Nineteenth ward.
South Sharon avenue, from Rutherford avenue to Mohamet, changed to Sebring avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Spring alley, from Waltham to Mohamet, changed to Sextant alley, Nineteenth ward.
Stanford avenue, from Bellaire avenue to Eathan avenue, changed to Starkamp, Nineteenth ward.
Sturgiss avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Waddington avenue, changed to Stapleton, Nineteenth ward.
Summerhill avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Pioneer avenue, changed to Stetson, Nineteenth ward.
Sylvan alley, from Berwin avenue to property line, changed to Section alley, Nineteenth ward.
Taft avenue, from Camargo avenue to unnamed alley, changed to Theobald, Eighteenth ward.
Telfair avenue, from Dane to Camfield avenue, changed to Tarragonna, Eighteenth ward.
Thorn alley, from Pioneer avenue to city line, changed to Trelona alley, Nineteenth ward.
Tulip alley, from Briar alley to property line, changed to Texola alley, Nineteenth ward.
Tulip alley, from Thistle alley to Sussex avenue, changed to Tariff alley, Nineteenth ward.
Venue avenue, from Saw Mill run to city line, changed to Vernita, Eighteenth–Nineteenth wards.
Vine alley, from Midland to city line, changed to Viaduct alley, Nineteenth ward.
Violet alley, from Woodbourne avenue to Berkshire avenue, changed to Verbena alley, Nineteenth ward.
Waldon avenue, from Gallion avenue to property line, changed to Wolford, Nineteenth ward.
Walter alley, from Sepoy to property line, changed to Walrus alley, Nineteenth ward.
Weidman avenue, from Quay to West Side Belt R. R., changed to Warburton, Nineteenth ward.
Weidman avenue, from Dawn avenue to property line, changed to Waltham, Nineteenth ward.
West Broadway, from Banksville road to Shiras avenue, changed to Fremont avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Weston avenue, from Milan avenue to city line, changed to Whited, Nineteenth ward.
West Point avenue, from Brookline boulevard to Gallion avenue, changed to Wedgemere, Nineteenth ward.
Willison avenue, from Frew avenue to Pioneer avenue, changed to Winterhill, Nineteenth ward.
Woodside avenue, from Tonopah avenue to Longmore avenue, changed to Westinghouse, Nineteenth ward.
Woodside avenue, from Suburban avenue to property line, changed to Westfield, Nineteenth ward.
Woodward avenue, from Brookline boulevard to Belle Isle avenue, changed to Willoughby, Nineteenth ward.
Woodward avenue, from Ray avenue east and west, changed to Wingate, Nineteenth ward.
Woodward avenue, from Stetson to property line, changed to Warnock, Nineteenth ward.
Section 2. That the name [sic] of certain avenues, streets and alleys in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards of the City of Pittsburgh (formerly known as the Boroughs of West Liberty and Beechview) shall be and the same are hereby established as follows:
Abner avenue, from Camfield avenue to city line, Eighteenth ward.
Abstract avenue, from Harmony avenue to Timberland avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Aidyl avenue, from Pioneer avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Ambrose avenue, from Caperton to Bon Air avenue, Eighteenth ward.
Ardsley avenue, from Dorchester avenue to Fordham avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bandi avenue, from Camargo avenue to Camfield avenue, Eighteenth ward.
Bayonne avenue, from Dagmar avenue to Bronson avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bay Ridge avenue, from Castlegate avenue to Sussex avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Beaufort avenue, from Gallion avenue to unnamed alley, Nineteenth ward.
Beechview avenue, from Baltimore to Crane avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Belasco avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Crane avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bellaire avenue, from Pioneer avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Berkshire avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Sussex avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Berwin avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Glenarm avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bindley way, from Halstead avenue to Pioneer avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bloon avenue, from Waltham to Mohamet, Nineteenth ward.
Bon Air avenue, from Camfield avenue to P. & C. St. R. R., Eighteenth ward.
Boustead, from Baltimore to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Bout avenue, from Sebring avenue to Brookside avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Briar alley, from Fordham avenue to Woodburne avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Bronson avenue, from Bayonne avenue to Goldstrom avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Brookline boulevard, from West Liberty avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Brookside avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Sebring avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Cadet avenue, from Timberland avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Calle avenue, from Institute to Camfield avenue, Eighteenth ward.
Canton avenue, from Coast avenue to Graymore, Nineteenth ward.
Cape May avenue, from Hampshire avenue to West Liberty avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Capital avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Haddon way, Nineteenth ward.
Carnation avenue, from Princess to Suburban avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Charm avenue, from Waltham to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Clermont avenue, from Hartranft to Elmbank, Nineteenth ward.
Coast avenue, from Kenberma avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Colebrook avenue, from Fairacres avenue to Cape May avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Corto avenue, from Bon Air avenue to unnamed alley, Eighteenth ward.
Crane avenue, from Quay to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Crimson avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Sebring avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Crocus alley, from Dorchester avenue to Norwich avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Crosby avenue, from Fallowfield avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Curranhill avenue, from Fairacres avenue to Rockland avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Dagmar avenue, from Crane avenue to cemetery property, Nineteenth ward.
Dahlia alley, from Edgebrook avenue to ctiy [sic] line, Nineteenth ward.
Dane street and alley, from Tarragonna to Bon Air avenue, Eighteenth ward.
Dawn avenue, from Waltham to Hargrove, Nineteenth ward.
Dillon alley, from Frew avenue to Pioneer avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Dorchester avenue, from Midland to Queensboro avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Dream avenue, from Harmony avenue to unnamed alley, Nineteenth ward.
Duart avenue, from Reifert to city line, Eighteenth ward.
Edgebrook avenue, from Brookline boulevard to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Ensign avenue, from Intervale to Edgebrook avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Fair avenue, from West Liberty avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Fairacres avenue, from Curranhill avenue to Longmore avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Fallow avenue, from Timberland avenue to unnamed alley, Nineteenth ward.
Fallowfield avenue, from Crane avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Ferncliff avenue, from Fernhill avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Fernhill avenue, from Bellbrook to Ferncliff avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Flatbush avenue, from Brookline boulevard to Berwin avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Fordham avenue, from Midland to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Frew avenue, from Brookline boulevard to Belle Isle avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Gladys avenue, from Crane avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Halstead avenue, from Jillson avenue to Brookline boulevard, Nineteenth ward.
Hampshire avenue, from Graymore to Westfield, Nineteenth ward.
Harmony avenue, from Edgebrook avenue to unnamed alley, Nineteenth ward.
Jillson avenue, from Parquet to Pioneer avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Kenberma avenue, from Hampshire avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Kermit, from Crosby avenue to Boustead avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Linial avenue, from Fallow avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Longmore avenue, from Westinghouse to Dagmar avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Los Angeles avenue, from Mackinaw avenue to Shiras avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Lynnbrook avenue, from Milan avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Mackinaw avenue, from Banksville road to Skidmore avenue, Nineteneth ward.
Magic avenue, from Sepoy to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Mascot alley, from Berwin avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Mayville avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Edgebrook avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Milan avenue, from Edgebrook avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Milo, from Cape May avenue to Suburban avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Norwich avenue, from Castlegate avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Orangewood avenue, from Princess avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Palm Beach avenue, from Skidmore avenue to Shiras avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Peerless avenue, from Warburton to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Pennant avenue, from Profile avenue to Suburban avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Pioneer avenue, from Warrington avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Plainview avenue, from Ray avenue east and west, Nineteenth ward.
Princess avenue, from Westfield to Profile avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Quay, from LaMirado to Warrington avenue, Eighteenth–Nineteenth wards.
Queensboro avenue, from Dorchester avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Ray avenue, from Fair avenue to Pioneer avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Realty avenue, from Baltimore to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Reifert, from Camfield avenue to city line, Eighteenth ward.
Risby avenue, from Tropical avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Rockland avenue, from Suburban avenue to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Roseton avenue, from Bon Air avenue to Fordyce, Eighteenth ward.
Rossmore avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Glenarm avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Rutherford avenue, from Crane avenue to Baltimore, Nineteenth ward.
Schuchert, from Camfield avenue to city line, Eighteenth ward.
Shawhan avenue, from Aidyl avenue to Brookline boulevard, Nineteenth ward.
Shiras avenue, from Candace to property line, Nineteenth ward.
Suburban avenue, from Hampshire avenue to Sebring avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Sunol way, from Shiras avenue to Crosby avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Sussex avenue, from Berkshire avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Sygan alley, from Kermit to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Templeton avenue, from West Liberty avenue to Pioneer avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Thistle alley, from Fordham avenue to Woodbourne avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Timberland avenue, from Warrington avenue to Edgebrook avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Tionesta avenue, from Westfield to Brookside avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Tonopah avenue, from Belasco avenue to Westinghouse, Nineteenth ward.
Traymore avenue, from Sebring avenue to Suburban avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Tropical avenue, from Crane avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Waddington avenue, from Pioneer avenue to Aidyl avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Wentworth avenue, from Fallowfield avenue to Alverado avenue, Nineteenth ward.
Wenzell way, from West Liberty avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
West Liberty avenue, from Warrington avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Woodbourne avenue, from Pioneer avenue to city line, Nineteenth ward.
Section 3. That all names appearing in this Ordinance and not otherwise designated shall be and the same are hereby fixed as "streets."
Section 4. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.
Passed October 14, 1909.
Approved October 20, 1909.
Ordinance Book 20, page 614.