No. 19.
AN ORDINANCE—Changing the names of certain avenues, streets and alleys in the Thirty-eighth ward of the City of Pittsburgh.
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assembled and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of the following avenues, streets and alleys in the Thirty-eighth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby changed as follows, to wit:
Clara avenue to Arcola street.
Charles street to Vandalia street.
Elm alley to Lillian alley.
Elizabeth street to Vincent street.
Eugenia street to Michigan street.
Fourth street to Freeland street.
Francis avenue to Heleda place.
Florence avenue to Delmont avenue.
Fifth street to California street.
Harriet street to Industry street.
Helen avenue to Eldora place.
Hickory alley to Cleo alley.
Hemlock alley to Birch alley.
Howard avenue to Estella avenue.
Locust alley to Loyal alley.
Linden alley to Cardiff alley.
Myrtle avenue to Gearing avenue.
Murray avenue to Richardson avenue.
Matilda street to Althea street.
Marguerite avenue to Bernd street.
Marion street to Vandalia street.
North alley to Nina alley.
Oak alley to Opal alley.
Poplar alley to Proctor alley.
Pine alley to Arcola street.
Strawberry alley to Industry street.
Second street to Industry street.
Short street to Freeland street.
Sixth street to Sylvania street.
Seventh street to Chalfont street.
Spruce alley to Palmetto alley.
Third street to Climax street.
West street to Montooth street.
Walnut alley to Orient alley.
Sec. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Passed May 2, 1898.
Approved May 3, 1898.
Ordinance Book 12, page 70.