
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Allegheny." Allegheny city ordinance, 1896, no. 166. Passed Mar. 19, 1896; approved Mar. 23, 1896. In ordinance book of Allegheny City, 1894–1896, pp. 283–285 ( Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, Mar. 28, 1896, p. 8 ( 85430174); and in the Pittsburg Press, Mar. 31, 1896, p. 9 ( 141573537), and Apr. 1, [p. 6] ( 141573556).

(No. 166.)

AN ORDINANCE—Changing and establishing the names of avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Allegheny.

Section 1—Be it ordained and enacted by the select and common councils of the city of Allegheny, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Allegheny, be and the same are hereby changed and established as follows:

Ann street from Buchanan street to Herman, to "Adrian street."

Bluff street, from Richardson avenue southwest to "Burbank street."

Center avenue, from Irwin to Euclid, to "Chester avenue."

Central street, from Fulton to Manhattan, to "Kentucky avenue."

Center street, from Perry to Spring Garden, to "Congress street."

Center alley, from Federal to Sandusky, to "Cairo alley"

Cliff street, from Shady avenue to New Brighton road, to "Courtland."

Clyde street, from Meade to Belle avenue, to "Cato street"

Cedar alley, from Hanover street south, to "Carter alley"

Church alley, from Ohio to Vinial, to "Unity alley"

Coleman avenue, from Haslage avenue north, to "Waldo street"

Columbia court, from Marshall avenue south, to "Towanda street"

Cross alley, from Superior to P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., to "Ross alley."

Daisy alley, from Irwin to Allegheny, to "Juno alley."

Elm street, from P., Ft. W. & C. R. W. to river, to "Edison street."

Elm street, from East to Maple avenue, to "Elmira street."

First alley, from James to Madison, to (Finley alley) "Elenora street."

Fleming street, from Bell avenue south, to "Sandusky street."

Franklin street, from Irwin to Marquis, to "Filmore street."

Franklin alley, from Ellsworth to Taylor, to "Fisk alley."

Fremont alley, from New Brighton to Nixon to "Freemont street."

Gardner alley, from River avenue to Carpenter, to "Garnet alley."

Grant street, from Clayton avenue north, to "Crafton street."

Gas alley, from Western to North avenue, to "Rope alley."

Grant alley, from Evans to Fulton, to "Hudson street."

Green alley, from Center to Church, to "Green street."

Grove street, from Davis north, to "Grenada street."

Hemlock alley, from James to Middle, to "Hemlock street."

High street, from Federal to Sandusky, to "Heath street."

Grant street, from McClure to Lecky, to "Girard street."

High street, from California to Island, to "Hampton street."

Hill street, from Lapish road to Reiss, to "Saginaw street."

Hill street, from Villa to Iten street, to "Arcola street."

Hill alley, from Herman street west, to "Herman street."

Howard street, from Northend to Southend avenue, to "Hazelton street."

Humboldt street, from Spring Garden to city line, to "Homer street."

Isabella court, from Martin to river, to "Itasco street."

Hill street, from Davis avenue north, to "Moorewood street."

Lawrence alley, from McDonald way to James alley, to "Lemon alley."

James street, Herrs Island, to "Jalappa street."

James alley, from McDonald way to Shady avenue to "Joliet street."

Lecky avenue, from Greenwood to Juniata, to "Latrobe alley."

Lecky road, from P., Ft. W. & C. R. W. to California, to "Mount Hope road."

Lincoln avenue, from Walker to Jacks' Run, to "Termon avenue."

Linden avenue, from Perrysville to Ferguson, to "Lafayette avenue."

Locust street, from East street eastwardly, to "Lareda street."

Locust street, from P., Ft. W. & C. R. W. to Walker, to "Lacross street."

Locust alley, from South Canal to Carpenter, to "Lawn alley."

Main alley, from Massachusetts to Fleming, to "Manton street."

Maple street, from Charles to Montgomery line to "Maple avenue."

Maple street, from Maple avenue to Biggs, to "Maripoo avenue."

Margurite alley, from Chelsea to Winthrop, to "Marine alley."

Marshall street, from Marion avenue to Irwin, to "Marburg street."

Middle alley, from Hill and South street east and west, to "Milfred alley."

Mill alley, from Spruce to Oliver & Phillips', to "Mingo alley."

Modoc alley, from Green to Spring Garden, to "Mobile street."

Montana alley, from Halsey to Marshall, to "Mohawk st."

Montgomery alley, from Montgomery ave. south to "Murtland alley."

Morgan alley, from Ellsworth to Taylor, to "Mifflin alley."

Morris alley, from Mead st. west, to "Mint alley."

Morrison ave., from Spring to Ellwood, to "Montrose ave."

McDonald alley, from Washington ave. south, to "McCauslin st."

McDonald way, from Marshall to Clifford, to "McCook st."

Nixon st., from New Brighton to Taggart, to "Nevada st."

North st., from Ohio to Washington, to "Nelson."

Oak alley, from Buchanan to Herman, to "Oxford st."

Ohio ave., from P., Ft. W. & C. R. W., to river, to "Ontario st."

Ohio st., from Juniata to Spruce, to "Ogden st."

Orchard lane, from Island ave. south, to "Orbit st."

Overhill st., from Sweeny to Margaret, to "Oakland st."

Peach alley, from Third to O'Hara, to "Palmer alley."

Paterson alley, from Rebecca st. north to "Pawnee st."

Perry alley, from Scott st. east, to "Post alley."

Phillips alley, from Hazel to Hamilton, to "Proctor alley."

Pine alley, from Cedar to Refuge, to "Paola alley."

Pine alley, from Evans to Manhattan, to "Hoffman st."

Pine alley, from South Diamond to Park way, to "Parker alley."

Pine alley, from Irwin to Allegheny, to "Paxton alley."

Portman st., from Perrysville to Richards, to "Portman ave."

Quarry st., from East st. to Ellwood ave., to "Quebec st."

Race alley, from Penn to river, to "Rampart alley."

Raspberry alley, from Tate to Hemlock, to "Regina alley."

Rhine st., from Grizella st. east, to "Rutland st."

Richards alley, from Woods Run to Portman, to "Richmond st."

Robert st., from Henderson to Parkview, to "Quincy st."

Sand alley, Herrs Island, to "Sage alley."

Sciota st., from Preble to Alley, to "Scrip alley."

School alley, from Lanark to Bell, to "Sentinel alley."

Second alley, from James to East st., to "Shawnee st."

Shields alley, from Jackson st. north, to "Saturn alley."

Short st., from Angle to Tell, to "Shiloh st."

Short st. from Spring Garden to High, to "Savina st."

Short st. from Hall st. northwest, to "Shelby st."

Short st. from Snyder to Charles, to "Sedan st."

Short st. from Daisy to Southend, to "Shingiss st."

Short alley, from Rebecca to Joint, to "Salma alley."

Short alley, Twelfth ward, to "Snow alley."

South st. from Brighton to Mary, to "Sorento st."

South st. east and west on Lapish farm, to "Slocum st."

Spring st., from Buente st. south, to "Solar st."

Spring ave., from Maple to East, to "Suffolk st."

Spring alley, from Shields to Perrysville, to "Star alley."

Spring alley, from Hemlock to Fountain, to "Springfield st."

Spring alley from Spring Garden northeast, to "Sioux alley."

Spruce st., from Beaver to the river, to "Fayette st."

Superior st., from Island ave. northward, to "Randolph st."

Superior st., from Preble to river, to "Sterling st."

Third alley, from James to East, to "Tower (alley)" "street."

Tremont alley, from Orphan asylum to Basin, to "Tripod alley."

Union alley, from River ave. north, to "Upland alley."

Union st., from Taggart to John, to "Farris st."

Valley st., from Spring Garden to Filbert, to "Victoria st."

Vine st., from Sassafras lane east, to "Verona st."

Vine st., from Milrow ave. to Orleans st., to "Viola st."

Vine st., from Hill st. to Buente st., to "Venango st."

Vine st., from Observatory to Perrysville, to "Hancock st."

Vine st., from Isabella to Penn, to "Vulcan alley."

Walker ave., from P. F. W. & C. R. W. northeast to "Warsaw ave."

William st., from Ohio to Vinial, to "Wooster st."

Section 2—That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed.

Ordained and enacted into a law in councils this 19th day of March, A. D. 1896.

President of Select Council.

M. N. WHITE, City Clerk, pro tem.

President of Common Council.


Mayor's Office, city of Allegheny, March 23, 1896, Examined and approved.

WM. M. KENNEDY, Mayor.