
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance authorizing the Superintendent of the Bureau of Engineering and Surveys to prepare a plan for the renumbering of all houses and lots in the City of Allegheny, Pa." Allegheny city ordinance, 1896, no. 155. Passed Nov. 19, 1896; approved Nov. 21, 1896. In City of Allegheny, Municipal Reports for the Fiscal Year Ending February 28th, 1897: 1896–'97, pp. 1119–1120, Derrick Publishing Company, Oil City, Penna., 1897 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735056290764). Reprinted in the Pittsburg Press, Nov. 24, 1896, p. 12 ( 141580237), Nov. 25, p. 11 ( 141580248), and Nov. 27, p. 11 ( 141580260); and in the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, Nov. 27, 1896, p. 3 ( 85437316), and Nov. 28, p. 6 ( 85437345).


Authorizing the Superintendent of the Bureau of Engineering and Surveys to prepare a plan for the renumbering of all houses and lots in the City of Allegheny, Pa.

Section 1.—Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the Superintendent of the Bureau of Engineering and Surveys be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a plan of the city, indicating the lots and number of said lots in such manner as to procure uniformity in the numbering thereof. It shall be the duty of said Superintendent to notify the owners of lots having houses erected thereon of the number given to the lot owned by each respectively, and require him or her to have the appropriate number attached to the building on said lot; and all persons hereafter erecting houses shall procure from said Superintendent the number thereof and have said number attached to said house; and in case anyone shall neglect to place said number upon his or her house for sixty days after notice, the Superintendent of the Bureau of Highways and Sewers shall procure the proper number and attach the same, and collect the cost from the owner of the property in the same manner as other debts are now by law collectable.

Section 2.—It shall be the duty of the lieutenants of police to report to the Mayor all owners or occupants of property who shall have failed to comply with the requirements of section 1 of this ordinance; and it shall be the duty of said Mayor to collect the sum of five (5) dollars for each and every offense, to be recoverable as debts of like amounts are now recoverable.

Section 3.—The Superintendent of the Bureau of Engineering and Surveys, in making out the proper number of said house or lot, shall be governed by the subjoined plan or diagram, that is, the initial, or starting point, on all streets runnings [sic] east and west shall be at Federal street and Perrysville avenue, allowing one hundred numbers to each square, and commencing with an even hundred at the commencement of each square as aforesaid, and in all respects adhering to the decimal system of enumeration; also, on all streets running north and south the numbers shall commence at Ohio street and Western avenue at number seven hundred on the northern side of said street or avenue and decreasing thence to the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, and on the northern side of said street or avenue, said numbers shall commence at seven hundred, increasing northwardly.

Section 4.—That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing be and the same is hereby repealed.

Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 19th day of November, A. D. 1896.