
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance granting unto the Central Passenger Railway Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, the right to enter upon, use, and occupy certain streets, lanes, alleys and highways, and to lease its franchises and property, or either." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1895–1896, no. 491. Passed June 10, 1895; approved June 17, 1895. Ordinance Book 10, p. 344. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh, for the Year 1895–6, appendix, pp. 34–35, H. W. Juergen & Co., Pittsburgh (Internet Archive pghmunicipalrecord1895). Reprinted in the Pittsburg Press, June 22, 1895, p. 7 ( 141566143).

No. 491.

AN ORDINANCE—Granting unto the Central Passenger Railway Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, the right to enter upon, use, and occupy certain streets, lanes, alleys and highways, and to lease its franchises and property, or either.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the Central Passenger Railway Company its lessees, successors and assigns, shall have the right and is hereby authorized to enter upon the streets, lanes, alleys and highways included within the following route, to wit:

Beginning at the present terminus of said Passenger Railway Company at the car barn of the Central Traction Company on Herron avenue; thence along Herron avenue to a 40 foot street one square from Allequippa street; thence along said 40 foot street to Allequippa street; thence along Allequippa street to Craig street, with the consent of the property owners adjoining Allequippa street to make such curve or loop over said private property as may be necessary to properly connect said line with Craig street; thence southwardly along Craig street to a 20 foot alley, which is 170 feet northwardly from Center avenue; thence along said 20 foot alley eastwardly to Melwood street; thence southwardly along Melwood street to Center avenue; thence along Center avenue to Neville street to connect with the tracks of the Craig Street Passenger Railway; thence with the consent of the Duquesne Traction Company, lessee of said Craig Street Passenger Railway, by the same along Center avenue to Negley avenue; thence with the consent of the Negley Street Passenger Railway along Center avenue with its intersection with Highland avenue; thence crossing the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Oakland and East Liberty Street Railway upon Highland avenue at grade, and to a connection with the tracks of the Larimer Avenue Passenger Railway upon Ellsworth avenue; thence with the consent of the Duquesne Traction Company, lessee of said Larimer Avenue Passenger Railway Company, over the tracks of the said last named Passenger Railway Company to Penn avenue at Liberty Hall; and thence returning by the same route, and along the streets, alleys or highways before mentioned, to construct, maintain, operate and use, during the term named in its charter, its railway, with double tracks or with single tracks, with the necessary sidings, turnouts, and switches, and to use electricity as a motive power; and also to erect, maintain, operate and use an overhead electric system for the supply of motive power, and to erect, maintain and use in the streets, alleys or highways before mentioned, such posts, poles or other supports as said company or its said lessee may deem convenient for the support or maintenance of such overhead system; under and subject, however, to the provisions of a General Ordinance entitled a "General Ordinance relating to the entry upon, over or under, or the use or occupation of any street, lane or alley, or any part thereof, for any purpose by passenger or street railway companies, or by companies operating passenger or street railways, and providing reasonable regulations pertaining thereto, for the public convenience and safety," approved the 25th day of February, A. D. 1890.

Section 2. The said Central Passenger Railway Compony [sic] shall have the eight [sic] and consent is hereby given to said company, to lease its property and franchises to any incorporated traction or motor power company which may desire to operate the railway of said company.

Section 3. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed June 10, 1895.

Approved June 17, 1895.

Ordinance Book 10, page 344.