
From Pittsburgh Streets

Ordinance No. 15

An ordinance adopting Names for the Streets within the Borough.

Be it ordained and enacted by the Burgess and Council of the Borough of Esplen, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that:

Sec. 1. For all streets named upon the plans of John A. Woods & Son, Smith heirs, Thompson Bell, Hunter, and McGonnigle, as recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County, the names shown on said recorded plans, except as hereinafter changed, shall be and are hereby adopted as the official names of said streets.

Sec. 2. The main street (being the street heretofore known as the River Road, or Pittsburg and Robinson Township Turnpike) from Chartiers Creek southwardly to the line of the city of Pittsburg, shall be called River Avenue.

The streets crossing said River Avenue, at right angles, begining [sic] at the street nearest Chartiers Creek shall be called First, Second, Third, Fouth [sic], Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelveth [sic] Street, respectfuly [sic], and the terminus of these eleven [sic] streets thus named or numbered shall be the Ohio River at one end and the westerly (or southwesterly) line of this Bourough [sic] at the other end. The alley between First and Second Streets, running parallel therewith, shall be called Buttonwood Alley. The alley running from First Street to the McGonnigle Homestead shall be called Beech Alley.

The alley in the rear of the United Presbyterian Church, running from Beech Alley to Orchard Street, shall be called Hazel Alley.

The alley between Wylie and Orchard Streets, running from Thrird [sic] Street to Fourth Street, shall be called Poplar Alley.

The alley between Wylie Street (below Wylie) and running from Third Street, to Fourth Street, shall be called Sloan Street.

The name of Flora Street shall be changed to Orchard Street.

The alley running from Orchard Street across Ridge Street to the McGonnigle line, parallel with Third Street is to be called Oak Alley.

The name Louisia Street shall be changed to Ridge Street, and the alley between Orchard Street and Ridge Street from Fourth Street to McGonnigle line shall be called Pine Alley.

Ordained and enacted into a law this Eighth Day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Three.

John E. Taylor Burgess