"An ordinance changing the name of C street, in Sixth ward, to St. Mark's place." Allegheny city ordinance, 1891, no. 32. Passed Sept. 17, 1891; approved Sept. 23, 1891. Reprinted in the Pittsburg Press, Sept. 28, 1891, [p. 6] ( 141475611), and Sept. 29, [p. 3] ( 141475646).
[No. 32.]
AN ORDINANCE—Changing the name of C street, in Sixth ward, to St. Mark's place.
Section 1—Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, That the name of C street, from Washington avenue to the Uniondale cemetery, in the Sixth ward, is hereby changed to St. Mark's place.
Section 2—That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 17th day of September, A. D. 1891.
JAMES H. LINDSAY, President of Select Council. Attest: ROLAND T. WHITE, City Clerk. THOS. A. PARKE, President of Common Council. Attest: ROBERT DILWORTH, City Clerk.
Mayor's Office, City of Allegheny, September 23, 1891. Examined and approved, JAMES G. WYMAN, Mayor.