
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 260.

AN ORDINANCE—Locating Woodlawn avenue, from Joncaire street eastwardly to Joncaire street at Fralich street.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assembled and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That Woodlawn avenue, from Joncaire street to Fralich street, be and the same is hereby located as follows, to wit:

The center line shall begin at a point on the center line of Joncaire street, at a distance of 466.92 feet northeastwardly from the intersection of the said center line of Joncaire street with the southeasterly line of Boundary street, as located according to the City District Plan, approved June, 1840; thence deflecting to the right 62 degrees, 48 minutes, 10 seconds in a direction about south 74 degrees, 10 minutes east parallel to and at a perpendicular distance of 18 feet northeast of the most eastern line of Schenley Park a distance of 1728.94 feet to a pin; thence deflecting to the left 86 degrees, 43 minutes in a direction of about north 19 degrees 07 minutes east a distance of 491.21 feet to a pin on the center line of Joncaire street, as located by Councils September 27th, 1869; thence deflecting to the right 86 degrees, 30 minutes a direction about south 74 degrees, 23 minutes east a distance of 350.19 feet to the center line of Fralich street, said intersection being distant 72.71 feet northwesterly from a stone monument, at the first angle in Joncaire street, as above located southeast of Fralich street, and the said Woodlawn avenue shall be of a width of sixty (60) feet.

Sec. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.

Passed June 29, 1891.

Approved July 7, 1891.

Ordinance Book 8, page 24.