
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 31.

AN ORDINANCE—Vacating Commerce street, in the Fourteenth ward, City of Pittsburgh.

Whereas, The Pennsylvania Tube Works is the owner of all the property on both sides of Commerce street, in the Fourteenth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, from the line of John Robson & Son to Canton street, and

Whereas, John Robson & Son, who are the owners of fifteen feet fronting on one side of Commerce street, have placed a fence across said street on their line and have closed said street up for that distance, and

Whereas, Said Commerce street is a cul de sac and is only used by the Pennsylvania Tube Works and has become useless to the general public.

Section 1. Therefore be it ordained, etc., that Commerce street, in the Fourteenth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, be and the same is hereby vacated and closed up from the line of John Robson & Son to Canton street.

Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.

Passed June 9, 1890.

Approved June 11, 1890.

Ordinance Book 7, page 443.