No. 8.
AN ORDINANCE—Locating Bryson street, from Wightman street to Joncaire street.
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the centre and west 5 foot lines of Bryson street, from Wightman street to Joncaire street, be and the same is hereby located and established as follows, to wit:
The centre line shall begin at a stone monument on the intersection of the centre lines of Wightman and Bryson streets, and at a distance of 368.61 feet north of a stone monument on the centre line of Bartlett street, thence deflecting to the left 93° 05′ for a distance of 1,534.394 feet to a stone monument situate at an angle in said Bryson street, thence deflecting to the right 6° 21′ for a distance of 2,078.966 feet to a stone monument situated at the intersection of the centre line and west 5-foot line of said Bryson street, thence deflecting to the right 82° 02′ by the west 5-foot line for a distance of 836.167 feet to an angle in said Bryson street, thence deflecting to the left 20° 25′ for a distance of 278.06 feet to a stone monument situate at a point of curve, thence deflecting to the right 22° 43′ by the chord of a curve having a radius of 238.862 feet for a distance of 184.48 feet to a point of tangent, thence deflecting to the right 22° 43′ for a distance of 580.910 feet to a pin on line of Joncaire street, intersecting said street at an angle of 93° 28′, and at a distance of 192.61 feet westwardly from a stone monument situate at an angle in said Joncaire street, and said street shall be of a width of 50 feet.
Sec. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Passed May 31, 1886.
Approved June 1, 1886.
Ordinance Book 5, page 463.