"Dedication of M'Kee place, Fourteenth ward." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1884–1885, no. 123. Approved Feb. 23, 1885. Ordinance Book 4, p. 565. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Select Council of the City of Pittsburgh, for the Year 1884, p. 261, J. P. Devine, Pittsburgh, 1884–1885 (Internet Archive pghmunicipalrecord1884) and Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Pittsburgh, for the Year 1884, p. 231, J. P. Devine, Pittsburgh, 1884–1885 (Internet Archive pghmunicipalrecord1884).
No. 123.
DEDICATION of M'Kee place, Fourteenth ward.
Know all men by these presents, That we, Daniel McKee, Mary S. McKee, Catharine S. Wallace, C. I. McKee, A. C. Dravo and Phoebe I. Dravo, his wife, William L. Vankirk and H. H. Marcy and Mary A. Marcy his wife, all of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, for and in consideration of the mutual benefit and advantage accruing to us and our property, do hereby give and dedicate to public use all that certain part of a street known as "McKee Place," situate in Oakland, in the Fourteenth ward of the city aforesaid, the said street being 60 feet in width and beginning on the southern side of Fifth avenue at the distance of 201 feet from the eastern line of the Coltart property and extending thence, preserving the same width to the north side of Forbes street, and being part of the same street marked and indicated on the plan of lots prepared and laid out by the parties hereto, as the heirs of Samuel McKee, deceased, and which said plan is to be recorded by said parties; and we do hereby severally agree that said described part of said street shall and may be used at all times hereafter by the public for travel and trafic [sic] thereon. We, however, severally reserving to ourselves, our heirs, assignees and grantees the fee simple in said street, so that should the same at any time hereafter be abandoned or vacated the same shall revert to and be re-invested in us, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. And we do hereby severally petition and request the City of Pittsburgh, through and by its proper authorities, to accept this dedication, and perform such acts as shall give said city control over said street.
Witness our hands and seals this 22d day of December, A. D. 1884:
Daniel McKee, | [Seal.] |
Mary L. McKee, | [Seal.] |
Catharine L. Wallace, | [Seal.] |
Christian I. McKee, | [Seal.] |
A. Clark Dravo, | [Seal.] |
Phoebe I. Dravo, | [Seal.] |
W. L. Vankirk, | [Seal.] |
H. H. Marcy, | [Seal.] |
Mary A. Marcy, | [Seal.] |
Witness:—James R. Sterrett.
Allegheny County, s. s.
On the 29th day of December, 1884, before me, the undersigned, personally came the above-named Daniel McKee, Mary L. McKee, Catharine L. Wallace, C. I. McKee, A. C. Dravo and Phoebe I. Dravo, his wife, William L. Vankirk and H. H. Marcy and Mary A. Marcy, his wife, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument of writing to be their act and deed, and desired the same might be recorded as such. They, the said Phoebe I. Dravo and Mary A. Marcy, being of full age and by me examined separate and apart from their said husbands, and the contents of the within and foregoing instrument of writing being first made fully known to them, declared that they did, of their own free will and accord, sign and seal, and as their act and deed declare the same, without any coercion or compulsion of their said husbands.
Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid,
James R. Sterrett,
Notary Public. [Seal.]
In Councils February, 23d, A. D. 1885, read, accepted and approved.
H. I. Gourley,
President of Select Council.
Geo. Sheppard,
Clerk of Select Council.
W. R. Ford,
President of Common Council.
Chas. W. Houston,
Clerk of Common Council.