
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance for change of name of Boyd Street to Orchard Place, from Knox Avenue to Beltzhoover Avenue." Knoxville borough ordinance, no. 15. Enacted Apr. 17, 1884; promulgated Apr. 19, 1884. In ordinance book of Knoxville Borough, 1877–1921, p. 25 (


For change of name of Boyd Street to Orchard Place, from Knox Avenue to Beltzhoover Avenue.

Be it ordained and enacted by the Burgess and Council of the Borough of Knoxville, that the present name of that portion of Boyd street in said Borough lying between Knox Avenue and Beltzhoover Avenue, shall be changed to Orchard Place.

Ordained and enacted into a law this 17th. day of April 1884.

W. W. Knox Jr., Clerk W. W. Knox, Burgess.

Date of promulgation
April 19th. 1884
W. W. Knox Jr., Clerk.

Also advertised in South-side Oracle February 5th. 1887
W. W. Knox Jr., Clerk.