
From Pittsburgh Streets

An Ordinance for Changing the Name of Certain Streets of the Borough of East Birmingham

Sect 1st Be it ordained and enacted by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of East Birmingham at is is [sic] hereby enacted by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance the name of certain streets in the Borough of East Birmingham are hereby Changed and that hereafter the names of the following streets shall be Harmony street to be number Seventeen Meadow street to be Number Eighteen Joseph street to be Number Nineteen John street to be Number Twenty Rail Road street to be Number Twenty one Page street to be Number Twenty two Philips street Number Twenty three Caroline street Number Twenty four Oliver street Number Twenty five Brown street Number Twenty six and McClurg street to be Number Twenty seven and the Name of Carson street in said Borough to be hereafter Ormsby Avenue

Approved this 13th day of March A D 1869

Attest J R Jaques clk Geo. E. Slocum Burgess

East Birmingham 1869 ordinance, page 1.jpg
East Birmingham 1869 ordinance, page 2.jpg