
From Pittsburgh Streets


Supplementary to an Ordinance Changing the Names of Streets.

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That so much of an ordinance passed August 31st, 1868, changing the names of various streets in the city, be and the same is hereby repealed as far as relates to all streets east of Covington or Fortieth street, and the following numbers substituted in lieu thereof, viz:

Borough street to be called Forty-first street.

Chestnut street to be called Forty-second street.

Ewalt street to be called Forty-third street.

Bellefontaine street to be called Forty-fourth street.

St. Mary's avenue to be called Forty-fifth street.

Church street to be called Forty-sixth street.

Shoenberger street to be called Forty-seventh street.

Mill street to be called Forty-eighth street.

Lothrop street to be called Forty-ninth street.

Jackson street to be called Fiftieth street.

Sec. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.

Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 28th day of September, 1868.

President of Select Council.

Attest: E. S. Morrow,
Clerk of Select Council.

President of Common Council.

Attest: Hugh McMaster,
Clerk of Common Council.