"Ordinance fixing the names of certain streets and alleys." Allegheny city ordinance, 1867. Enacted May 9, 1867. In ordinance book of Allegheny City, 1840–1868, p. 524/525 ( Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Gazette, May 15, 1867, [p. 2] ( 85568368), May 16, [p. 3] ( 85568373), and May 17, [p. 3] ( 85568377).
Section 1st—. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh Allegheny and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same that the Alley running between and paralel [sic] with Ohio Avenue and Sheffield Street and west of Bidwell shall be Known and Designated as "Reids Alley", the Alley beteen [sic] Ohio Avenue and Hamilton Street extending from Sedgwick Street to Allegheny Avenue as "Wards Alley" the Alley beteen [sic] Hamilton and Franklin Streets as "Lake Alley" the Alley beteen [sic] Franklin and Juniata Streets as "Rush Alley" the Alley north of Carroll Street and extending along the City Line "Line Alley" the Alley on the East side of Beaver Street Between Jackson and Sampson Streets—"Friendship Alley" the Alley Between Federal and Boyl [sic] Streets "Howard Alley" the Alley East of Cedar Avenue running from Liberty Street to Ohio Street "Johnston Alley" the Alley running from Liberty Street to Virgin Alley one [sic] the East Side of East Lane "Peach Alley" the Alley running paralel [sic] with Irwin Avenue from Ridge Street to Western Avenue be named "Rope Alley," the Alley running paralel [sic] with Western Avenue from Rope Alley to Alleghey [sic] Avenue be named "Manilla Alley"
Section 2d that the name of Central Street in the 1st Ward be and it is hereby changed to Lincoln Avenue that the name of Fremont be and it is hereby changed to Grant Avenue, and that the name of East Lane be and it is hereby changed to Madison Avenue. Ordained and enacted into a Law this the ninth day of May A D 1867.
Attest. D Macferron Clerk of Select Council |
James McBrier President of Select Council | |
R Dilworth Clerk of Common Council |
Geo D Riddle President of Common Council |
I do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was published in the Pittsburgh Dispatch, Gazette, and Fredoms [sic] Friend on Wednesday Thursday and Friday the fifteenth, Sixteenth & Seventh [sic] days of May 1867, Respectively
D Macferron
City of Allegheny SS.
the seal of the City of Alleghey [sic]
Personaly [sic] appeared before me John Morrison Mayor in and for said City this day of May 1867 David Macferron who being duly sworn according to Law saith that the foregoing is true and further saith not J Morrison Mayor |