An Ordinance
Relative to the vacation of certain streets in the Ninth ward.
Whereas, By the third section of an act of Assembly, passed the 23d day of April, A. D. 1852, entitled a further supplement to an act to incorporate the Pennsylvania railroad company, Eighth street and Plumb alley in the city of Pittsburgh, and all other streets extending through the property of said company, are vacated, and the title thereto vested in the said company: Provided, That the councils of said city give their assent thereto. And whereas, the Pennsylvania railroad company has applied for the assent of the council to the vacation of certain streets in the Ninth ward of said city extending through the depot or ground of said company.
Be it ordained and enacted, &c., That the assent of the councils be, and it is hereby given to the vacation of so much of Carroll, Wilkins, Baldwin, Morris and Rush streets, and Sassafras alley as extended through the ground, or is held or used by said company, and so much of Ferguson street as lies between a point on said street 550 feet east from the eastern line of Lumber street and Morton street, so long as the Pennsylvania railroad company use the same for railroad purposes: Provided, That no injury shall be done to the interests of the Western Pennsylvania Hospital: And provided, That the said company shall at its own cost, when the public convenience may require it, at the request and under the direction of councils, cause to be laid out and graded along the south line of the southern track of said railroad, and parallel to and adjoining therewith, a space or street forty feet in width, extending the length of that part of Ferguson street vacated and connecting therewith.
Ordained and enacted into a law in councils, this twenty-eighth day of July, A. D. 1853.
Recorded August 16, 1853, in Ordinance Book, vol. 2, p. 16.