
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance accepting of Washington street, and appropriating 20 dollars for the improvement of the same." Allegheny city ordinance, 1831. Passed Apr. 14, 1831; approved Apr. 14, 1831. Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Gazette, Apr. 29, 1831, [p. 3] ( 96050821), and May 3, [p. 3] ( 96050831).


Accepting of Washington street, and appropriating 20 dollars for the improvement of the same.

WHEREAS James Anderson, J. Normand, James Gray, and others, laid out a street across the Out Lot No. 146 in the plan of Allegheny-Town, running along the north end of S. Lothrop's lot, and the south side of James Cray's barn, to Charles Avery's line, as represented on Jean Barbeau's map of Pittsburgh and its environs, and recorded the same under the name of Washington street; and whereas James Gray, J. Normand, and others, petitioned the Burgess and Councils of the Borough of Allegheny, to accept of said street, and to declare it a public street forever, instead of the one formerly laid out a little further south under the same name, said petition bearing date of the 8th April, 1831. Therefore,

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted, by the Burgess and Council of Allegheny, that Washington street aforesaid, as described above, being 50 feet wide, and running parallel with Liberty street as described in Barbeau's map as aforesaid, be accepted by the Borough, and the same is hereby declared to be a public street, and to be maintained, regulated, and repaired at the expense of the borough, as other streets within the borough.

Sect. 2. That the sum of twenty dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the improvement of Washington street.

Ordained and enacted into a law, the 14th day of April, A. D. 1831.

President of the Council.

Attest—John Morrison, Cl'k.

Approved: In testimony whereof I have hereunto caused the seal of the Corporation to be affixed, the 14th day of April, A. D. 1831.
