"North Side councils: Allegheny councils held their regular semi-monthly meeting last evening." Daily Post (Pittsburgh), Aug. 15, 1873, [p. 4]. 86533299.
This body was called to order at eight o’clock, President McBriar in the chair.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approvəd [sic].
petitions &c., were received, and referred.
Under the call of wards the following
By Mr. Smith—Petition from Spratt, Johnston & Co., for permission to erect a weigh scale on Darrah [sic] street.
By Mr. Alex Patterson—Remonstrance against opening of Locust street.
By Mr. Huckenstine—Petition for Water main on Preble avenue and Wilkins street, Ninth ward.
Petition from Lewis Martin for permission to erect frame stable at corner of Hemlock street.
By Mr. Moul—Petition for change of grade on Troy Hill road.
By Mr. Patterson—Remonstrance against change of grade on same ward [sic].
Petition for grading Walnut street from Spruce to Pond alley in the Ninth ward.
By Mr. Huckenstine—For a uniform grade and width on Dennison street, Second ward.
Also to locate a street to connect Ridgewood and McClintock avenues.
Mr. Huckenstine, from the Survey Committee, reported the balance of the appropriation as $429. The committee recommend that the reports of the viewers on Palo Alto street and Hughes alley be set aside, with resolutions that the Controller be directed to draw a warrant to pay the viewers.
The report was received and the recommendations adopted.
Mr. Huckenstine, from the same committee, also reported Sheriff’s plan of lots in the Tenth ward. Approved.
Also, the following ordinances:
For the widening of North street, and appointing viewers. Laid over. For the opening of Porter street to the width of forty feet from its present terminus to the Ohio river. Passed finally.
For the opening of a street fifty feet wide from Allegheny avenue to Fulton street. Passed finally.
For the opening of Grant avenue to the width of eighty feet from South avenue to low water line, Passed finally.
For the opening of California avenue to the width of fifty feet from Strawberry lane to Sedgwick street. Passed finally.
For the opening of Wilson avenue to the width of 50 feet, from Perrysville plank road to Mrs. Boyle’s line of property. Passed finally.
For the opening of Beaver road to the width of 50 feet, from Preble avenue to Phillips’ lane. Passed finally.
Mr. Alex. Patterson, from the Committee on City Property, reported a balance of appropriation amounting to $1,667. The Committee reported that they had approved plans and specifications for closing the inner square of the market house, and building the Fourth ward engine house, accompanied by resolutions authorizing the Committee to advertise for proposals and report.
Mr. Smith was opposed to closing the inner square of the market house, as calculated to shut out ventillation [sic].
Mr. Mouil held that closing the central area would be a benefit to ventilation; that the rents were increased with the understanding that this improvement was to be made.
Mr. Megraw opposed the plan for the market house improvement as premature, and moved to postpone the matter.
After further discussion, Mr. M’s motion was lost—5 yeas to 11 nays.
The resolution was then adopted.
The second resolution instructing the Committee to advertise for proposals for building the Fourth Ward Engine-house was adopted.
The Committee on City Property also asked in their report to make an exchange of the present site for an adjoining piece of property owned by Mr. Gragan, he agreeing to give $500 "to boot." A resolution authorizing the Committee to make the exchange was adopted.
The Committee also reported in favor of granting Knapp’s battery the lot on the corner of Marion avenue and Martin street for Armory purposes.
A resolution accompanied this portion of the report authorizing the Commitlee [sic] to advertise for proposals for erecting an armory.
Mr. Smith opposed the resolution on financial grounds. He didn’t know where the money was to come from.
Mr. Alex. Patterson explained that the Committee on City Property had this armory question referred to them, and had no choice but to report either for or against.
Mr. McBiar [sic] vacated the chair for the purpose of entering his protest against voting for appropriations, when there was no means provided for raising the required funds.
Mr. Stuart spoke in favor of the resolution as called for by the citizens, and deserved by a worthy military company.
The resolution then passed.
Mr. Megraw, from the Police Committee, reported an ordinance increasing the police force to forty-nine men, being an increase of four.
Mr. Alex. Patterson moved to lay on the table. Lost.
The question, recurring on the adoption of the ordinance, Mr. Alex. Patterson arose and remarked that it was a notorious outrage how the police were managed. They were laying around doing nothing, not to be found when wanted, and drawing their pay.
Mr. Megraw objected to keeping men and paying them when they were not doing their duty. He would cut off his right hand rather than vote for any more police as the force was at present managed.
After further discussion the ordinance was lost.
Mr. J. C. Patterson, from the street Committee, reported a balance of $7,362 50 remaining of their appropriation. The Committee recommend a change of grade on East and Howard streets and the Perrysville Plank road; report adversely to repairing Orchard alley; to placing sewers on High and Hill streets; also, adversely to resolutions for the following purposes, referred to them, because of a lack of the necessary funds.
For iron crossings on Knoll street, Manhattan street at Westen avenue, Fayette street, and at Allegheny and Westen avenues; for crossings at Pennsylvania avenue and Bidwell street, and at Hemlock and Boyle streets.
The Committee recommend a resolution authorizing the payment of $457 to John Nautz for private sewer on Spring Garden avenue.
The report was received and filed, and the resolution adopted.
The following ordinances were also reported by the Committee:
For grading and paving McDonald aley [sic] from Washington avenue to Franlklin [sic] street. Passed finally.
For grading and paving Buttercup alley from Grant to Gas alleys. Passed finally.
For grading and curbing of Marquis alley from Washington avenue to the Southern terminus. Passed finally.
For the grading, paving and curbing of Lincoln avenue from Allegheny avenue west, two hundred and twenty-five feet. Passed finally.
For grading and paving Manilla alley from Allegheny avenue west two hundred and twenty-five feet. Passed finally.
For grading, paving and curbing of Mary’s Court from Lacock street to Robinson property. Passed finally.
Changing the name of Jalappa street to Windsor street. Passed finally
For the grading, paving and curbing of Windsor street. Passed to a iecond [sic] reading.
For widening Preble avenue, from Stanton avenue to Strawberry lane. Passed finally.
Repealing an ordinance for the opening of Western and Preble avenues.
Mr. Gault moved to lay on the table. Lost—6 yeas to 6 nays.
An extended discussion ensued, which was interrupted to allow Mr. Smith to present the report of the Controller for July, showing the monthly expenditures as follows:
1. | Salaries | $ 2,355 12 |
3. | Fire engines | 3,469 46 |
4. | Printing | 64 20 |
5. | Streets | 5,245 70 |
6. | Wharves, &c. | 500 94 |
7. | Surveys | 17 00 |
8. | Police | 2,595 93 |
9. | Contingent fund | 198 00 |
11. | Water works | 4,642 44 |
13. | Gas | 119 38 |
16. | City property | 167 85 |
17. | Health | 55 08 |
Total | $20,431 10 |
The Committee also reported a resolution in favor of paying McNaugher & Co. $1,715 64 for grading Madison avenue. Adopted.
Also, for paying, McNaugher & Co. $3,981 82 being the balance due for the construction of the bridge across Ravine street. Adopted.
The report was received and filed.
Mr. Smith, from the Water Committee, reported as follows:
By annual appropriation | $ 35,000 00 |
Proceeds of sale of bonds | 104,557 10 |
Total | $139,557 10 |
Expenditures | 104,182 28 |
Balance | $ 35,374 82 |
A resolution accompanied the report authorizing the laying of water pipe on Lincoln avenue from Allegheny avenue west 225 feet; on Page street from Chartiers street to Beaver avenue; on Perry street from the present terminus of pipe on Troy Hill road as soon as the ground is sufficiently settled.
The report was received, and the resolution adopted.
Discussion was then resumed on the ordinance repealing the ordinance in relation to Western and Preble avenues, and the ordinance was passed to a second reading.
Ordinances reported by the Street Committee were continued as follows:
For a lateral sewer on Rose alley from a point forty feet east of Race alley to Sandusky street. Passed finally.
For a main sewer on Sandusky street from Park Way to North line of Ohio street. Passed finally.
For a lateral sewer on Sandusky street from Ohio street to Whiston alley. Passed finally.
For a main sewer on Sheffield street from Beaver avenue to Manhattan street. Passed finally.
For a lateral street [sic] on Sheffield street from Manhattan to Fulton street. Passed finally.
For a main sewer on Beaver avenue from Western avenue to Page street. Passed finally.
For a lateral sewer on Beaver avenue from Page street to Fayette street. Passed finally.
For a lateral sewer on Robinson street from its present terminus to within twenty feet of Anderson street. Passed finally.
For a lateral sewer on Ohio avenue from Hughes alley to P. F. W. & C. R. R. Passed finally.
For a main sewer on Saw Mill Run, Madison avenue and East street to north line of Seventh ward. Passed finally.
For a main sewer on Perry street. Referred to Committee.
This branch came to order at eight o’clock, President Slack in the chair.
The following petitions, &c., were presented and referred to the appropriate committees:
For an extension to the sewer on Beaver avenue.
For a frame stable on Western avenue.
Resolution for the grading of Coquette street.
Petition for the repaving of Lacock street between Corry and School streets.
For a water pipe on Middle street.
Resolution for the appointment of a committee of five to go to Harrisburg and request the Governor to sign the bill passed by the late Legislature providing a new charger for Pittsburgh, so that the citizens of Allegheny may have an opportunity to vote on consolidation this fall.
Mr. Ackley opposed the resolution as amounting to dictation to the Governor.
Mr. Hastings thought if the bill was not signed at once so that Allegheny could vote on the matter, Pittsburgh would gobgle [sic] up Allegheny at the very next session of the Legislature, without the consent of the gobbled.
The resolution was the adopted.
Resolution that the money which has been paid in as benefit for the opening of Church avenue be refunded, as the case had been taken to the Supreme Court. Adopted.
Resolutiod [sic] for a steamer for the Ninth ward. Referred.
Petition for the paving of Evans’ alley. Referred.
Petition for a water pipe on Troy Hill road. Referred.
Petition for grading and paving Graham street. Referred.
Petition for a sidewalk on Lowrie street. Referred.
Petition for opening Villa street. Referred.
Petition for water pipe on Rush street. Referred.
Petition for a sewer drop on the south side of Ohio street. Referred.
Petition for the opening of Hamilton street. Referred.
A commanication [sic] was prəsented [sic] from the Park Commission, asking authority to dispose of $20,000 in bonds. So ordered.
Petition for a change of grade on Ohio avenue, in the Ninth ward. Referred.
A remonstrance against a sewer on Madison avenue was presented by Mr. Walter, who stated that the same had never been petitioned for. Referred.
The report of the Market Committee shows the following receipts for July:
Clerk of markets | $2,711 88 |
Second ward scales | 306 29 |
Diamond scales | 136 05 |
Fourth ward | 26 26 |
Total | $3,180 48 |
Resolutions accompanied the report authorizing a warrant in favor of Nelson & Co. for $180 in payment of repairs at Second ward scales; also for the sum of $77 25 for painting the same; and $30 in favor of David Hastings for repairs at Diamond scales.
The report was received and the resolutions adopted.
Mr. Walters, from the Health Committee, submitted the report of the Health Officer for July, published in The Post yesterday. The Committee recommended that all fines imposed on informations made by the Health Officer be placed to the credit of the appropriation of the Board. They also asked the adoption of ordinances providing for the election of a City Physician, and requiring the Meat Inspector to report monthly, and the money received by him over the amount necessary to pay his salary be placed to the credit ot [sic] the Board.
The report was received and the recommendations taken up seriatim. The first was adopted; the ordinance relative to the election of a City Physician laid on the table, and that relative to the Meat Inspector passed finally.
The ordinanee [sic] for the opening of an alley between Grant avenue and Pope alley was called up and passed finally.
Business from Select Council was then taken up, and all actions of that Branch concurred in as far as reached, except the following:
The ordinance for the opening of Page street (in S. C. passed) was laid over.
The ordinance for the opening of Grant avenue (in S. C. passed) was referred to the Committee on Surveys to change the terminus to Rebecca street instead of South avenue.
The ordinance for the opening of Porter street (in S. C. passed) was laid over.
A Conference Committee was appointed on the ordinance granting Young & Booth the right to erect a frame stable.
The ordinance for a lateral sewer on Federal street (in S. C. passed) was laid over.
Mr. Price, from the Committee on Wooden Buildings, reported an ordinance granting Samuel Dowelle the right to erect a frame store room on Shady lane, Eleventh ward. Adopted.
An ordinance for a sewer on Ledlie street was lost.
Other business from Selelect [sic] Council was taken up, and all actions of that body concurred in.