One little street went to market, and one little street stayed at home; and one little street had roast beef, and another little street had none. And all the other little streets in Overbrook woke up this morning to find themselves named for councilmen and people like that.
Holding their last meeting before Overbrook becomes a part of Pittsburgh, the councilmen made honest thoroughfares of their streets, gave them their own names and even the names of clergymen. In fact poor Ridge ave. had to go running to its tailor early this morning for overnight it had become Kline ave., and having fought its way up from the gutter, felt it couldn't let down the Klines sartorially.
But while Council blandly ignored milkmen and mailmen, deliverymen and callers in their orgy, an ominous cloud hung over Overbrook today. The residents weren't so pleased and they plan to protest the changes.
Residents of Overbrook blvd. couldn't seem to see the importance of being Ernest, Overbrook having been rechristened Ernest in honor of Councilman Ernest Meier who also was honored by having Harding blvd. changed to Meier blvd.
Nor could the residents of No. 13 Grandview ave. look with equanimity on the changing of the name of their street to Friday in compliment to Road Commissioner Philip Friday.
Some of the other changes made were:
Oak rd. to Herring blvd., for J. H. Herring, president of council.
Frederick st. to Rohm ave., for Bruce Rohm, councilman.
Robertson ave., to Jewel ave., for C. D. Jewell, councilman.
Fairview ave., to Zoller drive, for Harry Zoller, councilman.
Jacob st., to McGovern st., for Borough Engineer T. J. McGovern.
Horning ave., to St. Mader ave., for Father John Mader of St. Norbert Catholic Church.
Lodge ave., to Brown ave., for Rev. J. L. Brown of the Methodist Protestant Church.
Mullooly st., to Bauer ave., for Joseph Bauer, former councilman.
Hampden ave. and Franklin st., which join, to Champion ave., for Charles Champion, former councilman.
Freeport ave., to Golden ave., for Clyde Golden, former councilman.
Tariff st., to Glaneman ave., for Henry Glaneman, former councilman.
Home ave., to Luffy ave., for Jacob Luffy, former school director.
Briggs st., to Laughlin blvd., for John E. Laughlin, borough solicitor.
Shannon ave., to Sehm ave., for J. Sehm, councilman.
Main st., to Criswell ave., for J. Homer Criswell, Overbrook political leader.