It is not generally known that Senator Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana, whose name has been mentioned quite frequently of late in connection with the vice presidential nomination, and in some quarters friends have gone so far as to propose that he enter the contest for the nomination with Presidnt [sic] Roosevelt, was fomerly [sic] a resident of Pittsburg. For a considerable time he worked in a telegraph office here, but finally concluded that his fortune could be made more quickly by going further west, which he did. While here he was employed in the same office with Colonel W. C. Connelly, who for nearly a score of years has been manager of the Associated Press here, and who is fond of relating reminiscences of the early days when they worked the key side by side.
Many are the ways devised for spreading the gospel, but one of the most unique was planned by William Knight of Clairton, who constructed a houseboat 170 feet long and 35 feet wide, intending to go down the river holding religious services along the way. The recent floods interfered and almost demolished the boat, which has been lying high and dry on the Allegheny river bank at Millvale. It is so badly damaged that it may not be possible to repair it. In that case it will be demolished and houses constructed of the material. The boat cost its proprietors many months of hard work and considerable money. It contains a chapel, printing office, engine rooms and sleeping and cooking departments, and was almost completed when the big flood came and badly damaged it. Succeeding high water aided in the work of destruction. Mr. Knight has been engaged in evangelistic work for the past 20 years and he and Henry Hygeman of Michigan were to make a tour of the river towns. Free gospel or non-sectarian religion was to have been preached. Evangelist Hygeman is now in Germany, but was to return in June, when the campaign was to start. The printing office was to get out gospel tracts and publish a small paper which Mr. Knight has edited for the last five years called the Free Gospel Trumpet. There was to be sufficient room for the two families. Mr. Knight is greatly discouraged at his loss, but hopes to build an other [sic] boat in the near future.
Allegheny public schools are preparing to try for another prize at the world's fair in St. Louis this year. In 1893 at the Chicago's world's fair the Allegheny schools took the prize for excellence in art work and the board of school controllers think the prize can be taken without much doubt. A space of 100 square feet has been allotted at St. Louis for this Allegheny school exhibit, which will probably be entirely filled, as the exhibit will embrace at least 800 pieces of work executed by the pupils of the various grades, from the first to the eighth inclusive. The work shows the progress that has been made, starting from the time the child leaves the kindergarten department and begins to draw the simplest subjects to the making of artistic designs in floral work, designing of rugs, etc., and pen and ink work. Much of this work is of a high standard of excellence and shows remarkable originality. Drawings and designs by the more advanced scholars is the designing and painting of ornamental covers for books and magazines, wall paper, china, etc. Many pupils have obtained positions as designers in the art departments of various large establishments after leaving school, thus finding a useful outlet for their talents. Drawing courses in the public schools have proven of inestimable value and nowhere more than in Allegheny City.
Hong Sing, the only Chinese passenger agent in the United States, was in Pittsburg a few days ago, stopping on his way from Washington to his headquarters in San Francisco. He represents nearly all the more prominent railroads in the country, and while he speaks excellent English, confines his work principally to people of his own nationality. He said that passenger travel was indulged in to a considerable extent by the Chinese of this country, but deplored the exclusion laws, which he claimed kept out many of his countrymen who would make good citizens.
There was opened a few days ago at No. 8 Congress street a new home for Bible students. It is a brick building three stories high and was the gift of a member of the Wylie avenue church, near which the new students' home is located. Nearly all the furnishings are gifts of friends of the institution in the city, and these, with the real estate and building, are valued at about $50,000. The building contains 40 rooms and is intended as a home for students, of which there are about 40 in attendance at the present time who are pursuing Bible studies. Both male and female students will be accommodated. In the basement of the building are both a laundry and printing plant. The latter consists of three printing presses and a complete outfit of type, donated to the home, and there is also an electric light plant, which will be used to supply light for the home and several adjoining buildings. This Bible institute was organized two years ago by the Rev. C. H. Pridgeon and wife and has attracted much attention from all classes of people, many of whom have contributed large sums toward its support. There is much practical good expected from the workings of the home, both because there is no institution of the kind in the city and because it is undenominational in character.
An examination of the Pittsburg and Allegheny street directory shows upwards of 30 streets the names of which have been taken from the Indians. Most of these are streets in the older portion of the cities, which have been laid out many years. The newer streets have more modern names and Indian lore is seldom drawn on for names. Some of the more common Indian names used are Sachem, Seneca, Shawnee, Alliquippa, Winnebago, Wichita, Tecumseh, Tuscarora, Wampum, Manhattan, Miami, Modoc, Pocussett, Powhattan, Penobscot, Pawnee, Natchez, Niagara, Osceola, Oneida, Osage, Manitoba, Juniata, Kanawha, Eutaw, Blackhawk, Cherokee, Ossipee, Cohassett, Conewago, Dakota, Conestoga, etc. Many street names are decidedly pretty, while others are quite the reverse. The origin of street names is an interesting study and books could be written on the subject which would prove decidedly entertaining to the reader, be he a Pittsburger or otherwise. There is a short alley not far from Union station which derived its name in a peculiar manner, so tradition goes. It is called "Cuba-you-Quit alley," and so appears upon the maps and in the street guides. The story goes that Cuba was the name of one of a large family of children inhabiting this portion of the city, whose chief delight lay in tormenting the smaller and weaker children of the neighborhood, who were constantly saying "Cuba, you quit," and so common did this expression or command become that the alley took its name therefrom. There are many other interesting things connected with the naming of Pittsburg streets, but the mention of one or two at this time will suffice. Stanton avenue, a handsome street in the East End, takes its name from Edwin M. Stanton, secretary of war in Lincoln's cabinet and who at one time was a Pittsburger. Highland avenue, another wide and beautiful street leading into Highland park, was named after Robert Hiland, a surveyor who laid out a large section of this part of the city. The street name was originally spelled Hiland, but by some chance the spelling was changed as it now stands, Highland.
The recent cold snap following the long severe winter makes some records kept by the weather bureau in this city during the winter months of considerable value to those who care for such statistics. In December the lowest temperature registered was six above zero; the highest 54, and 6.5 inches of snow fell. In January the lowest temperature was two below; the highest 66. Snow fell on 20 days and amounted to 6.6 inches.In February the lowest temperature was 5 below and the highest 61, while snow fell on 14 days, equaling 4.5 inches. Up to March 19, the last day of winter, the lowest temperature was 17 and the highest 61, and .3 of an inch of snow fell. The total fall of snow during the winter ending March 19 was 17.9 inches, as compared with the winter of 1902–03, which was 23.9 inches.
Trade in country produce showed much improvement toward the end of last week on account of the better weather conditions. If this good growing weather continues green stuff will come into market in large quantities and the prices will probably be lower soon. Potatoes are not quite so strong as they were a few days ago, but prices have not been reduced materially. The market is uncertain because dealers do not know how large the stocks of old potatoes are nor how many new ones will be sent in from Bermuda and the south. Still our prediction is that prices will be lower within a short time.
Egg prices have held up remarkably well, considering that the market is well supplied with good fresh stock. Butter, as was predicted, is lower, but there is little likelihood of prices dropping from the present point, as the demand for good butter is excellent. Cheese holds steady. Poultry shows little change, with fairly good demand, which will probably continue for some time to come.
Some changes in live stock prices were noted last week, but on the whole the market continues quite steady. Cattle are in good demand and prices steady, with prospects that prices will hold firm the current week. Hogs show a tendency toward lower prices. Sheep were quite strong and lambs in good demand. The market for choice spring lambs should improve within the next few weeks.
Cereals, wheat and corn, were strong, while oats was inclined to weakness. Stories of unseasonable weather still continue to be heard and wheat always rules strong on such rumors, corn usually following in sympathy. Until there is definite information regarding the wheat crop there will be uncertainty, but we still look for better prices for both wheat and corn.