
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Mayor signs street vacation measures: Manufacturing concerns get portions of three Lawrenceville thoroughfares." Pittsburgh Post, July 19, 1910, p. 3. 87694726.

Manufacturing Concerns Get Portions of Three Lawrenceville Thoroughfares.

Mayor Magee yesterday signed ordinances vacating portions of Valley street, Forty-ninth street and Hemlock alley, Lawrenceville, in behalf of the H. K. Porter Company and the McConway–Torley Company. The measures were passed by councils at the last meeting and provide a compensation of $2,000 for each of the streets. The assessed value of the ground is estimated at $33,000.

Before signing the measures the mayor required the companies which will benefit by the vacations to sign agreements that they would permit the city at any time to enter on the property for the purpose of repairing sewers or water pipes which are beneath two of the vacated thoroughfares.

A number of property owners in the vicinity are preparing to attack the vacations in court and withheld action until the bills became effective.