
From Pittsburgh Streets

Local Matters. Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh), Oct. 11, 1850, [p. 2]. 86642311.


☞ There was nothing new in regard to the Mayor and Police Committee yesterday. The city is quiet, considering all things.

We believe the Committee will not consent to make "a case stated" of their recent dispute, for the Supreme Court. They say they are right and will maintain the position they have taken. They are determined to sue upon the bail bond of Mr. Gutzman, if Barker again interferes with the Night Watch. Mr. Dunlop's second opinion (about the same as the first), has been published.

More Stabbing, and perhaps a Murder.—On Wednesday night a man named Merriman, a steamboat mate, was called out of a barber shop, on Prospect street, by Bill Kane and a companion. After some words, Kane stabbed Merriman with a knife, and he fell. He was carried home, and yesterday morning was not expected to live. A warrant was issued for Kane.

☞ The Allegheny Enterprise of yesterday afternoon contains several local items, which we have deliberately stolen.

The Enterprise advocates the organization of a Night Police in Allegheny. As we have two sets on this side, we might spare one for our neighbors over the river. How would they like to take Barker's men.

Pittsburghers in California.—We glean the following information from a letter of Wm. C. Meredith, published in the Express:

The Pittsburghers now in San Francisco are:—J. Algeo, R. G. Berford, Charles Kincaid, J. D. Robinson, J. L. Moody, W. B. McBride, John Brickell, James McCabe, Andrew McCabe, W. H. Kelly, E. S. Coles, Charles Beares, W. Burnside, Jno. Shidle, W. H. Brown, Edward Smith, Jas. Murdock, Aaron Hart.

Will Black is at San Jose.

Charles McDermott has gone up to the Diggins to "see the elephant."

Smyth & Son, formerly merchant tailors on Liberty street, left, on the 29th ult., on board schooner Lydia, bound to Realejo.

Aaron Hart arrived on the 26th, only twenty days from New Orleans. He came around on the Merchant.

Wm. Algeo arrived at San Francisco on the 28th, from Marysville, where he is now living.

On the Yuba river:—Jonathan Warden, James McClean, I. N. White, A. Veneman, McKibben, Gallagher, Fulton, Oliver, Dunn, Slicer, Campbell, Lamont, Stewart, Wm. Kane, F. Anderson, Braden, M. Kane, P. Kane, James Kane, H. Winn, Hood, F. McClure, Oskelton, David McKee, W. McIlwain, James A. Irvin, Charles Lewis, James Hughes, (late of New Orleans,) W. D. Graham, Hoag, Baird, S. Kelly, H. Blythe, Thomas Kennedy.

B. F. Anderson is in the Southern Mines.

James Riddle is steamboating on the river Sac.

At Sacramento City:—Barber, Mitchell, Colonel Bigler, and others. Mitchell is now in San Francisco, on business. Col. Bigler was also there for a short time, collecting money for the relief of the overland emigrants.

Stealing in Market.—A woman named English was arrested and brought before the Mayor of Allegheny on Wednesday, on a charge of stealing sundry market baskets. She was charged with carrying off three, which had just been replenished by their owners; one belonged to Mrs. Frazer; the names of the owners of the others we have not learned. It appears that while Mrs. F. was paying for some things she had purchased, Mrs. English stepped up, put the basket on her arm, and moved off. She was arrested and brought to the Mayor's office, where she had a hearing yesterday morning, and was sent to jail to await her trial. When asked what she did it for, she replied that she was drunk, and felt like "taking all before her." It is evident that whiskey was the thief, and not the poor prisoner.

Horse Stealing.—Three Germans were before the Mayor of Allegheny yesterday, for stealing a horse. They were drunk, which caused the difficulty. Two of them colleagued together for the purpose of swindling the other out of his horse, of which he made complaint to the Mayor, and all three were brought up. They compromised the matter and left. Another instance of what the "monster' (whiskey) will do.

Fire.—A fire broke out in the shop of Mr. Shaffer, Merchant Tailor, on Water street, on Wednesday evening, and consumed the inside of the building and contents entirely. The loss to Mr. S. is about $800, and he had no insurance. The fire was evidently the work of an incendiary, there being no fire in the building, and the back door broken open and different articles taken away.

The Plank for the Allegheny and Perrysville Plank Road is ready for delivery, and will be rafted as soon as the water in the Allegheny river will permit.

We learn that the survey of the Perrysville and Butler Plank Road has been completed twelve miles beyond Perrysville, to the county line.

☞ The Select Council met last night and passed the Ordinance from the C. C. in regard to the Night Watch, and the resolution confirming the appointment of Col. Trovillo, with a salary of $35 per month.

The C. C. had no quorum.

Mayoralty.—Some persons suggest the propriety of Whigs and Democrats meeting together in Convention and nominating a "Citizen's Candidate." Rather soon to talk about the matter, but people will seek excitement.

☞ Some person has left a bracelet at the office of Ald. Steel, where the owner can get it. It was stolen from a lady, of course; and the Alderman is anxious that the fair one should call at his office and get it.

☞ The Serenaders are drawing crowds to Wilkins Hall nightly. We dropped in a few minutes the other evening, and were delighted with their vocalisms, but can't say much in praise of that "opera."

Funny.—The Natives of this city are getting up a "jollification" over the defeat of Levin, their only Congressman. Strange! We understand they denounce him because he united with the Whigs.

☞ Barker's Police light the lamps, cry the hour, &c., &c., as heretofore; while the Committee's men march through the streets in a body and preserve quiet.

The "Anderson Library" has 57 subscribers, and 40 apprentices get books regularly. Rather a short list for Allegheny.

☞ The weather was warm and sultry yesterday, and promised rain in abundance, which is very much needed.

The A. A. Insurance Company of Philadelphia, will open an office in Allegheny city in a few days.

☞ The Duquesne Greys were out on parade yesterday, under command of Lieut. Anderson.