R. W. Cartwright, who has been one of the most prominent factors in the real estate market for a month past, has taken title to another property in outer Fifth avenue. The L. A. Clark Company handled the deal whereby Mr. Cartwright secures the property at 1514 Fifth avenue from D. E. Nevin in a trade transaction. The property, which is 24½x120 feet, improved with a three-story business building, is put into the deal at a valuation of $45,000.
In part payment Mr. Nevin takes Mr. Cartwright's three remaining properties in Mytrle avenue, Bellevue, these being put into the deal at a valuation of $25,000. Each of these lots is 30½@120 feet, improved with a two-story and attic brick residence. The L. A. Clark Company will have exclusive charge of the renting of all properties involved.
Mr. Cartwright has figured in no less than five deals of the kind whereby he takes over property beyond the hump. In each case he made the deals for investment. The first important trade deal between him and Mr. Nevin was that by which Mr. Cartwright took title to the property at Sixth and Wylie avenues at a valuation of about $100,000.
Squirrel Hill's New Thoroughfare.
Squirrel Hill is being further beautified by a new thoroughfare between Wightman and Murdoch streets, to be known as Raleigh street. The new street will be 50 feet wide and will parallel Darlington road and Beacon street. The necessary ordinance has passed councils and work has started.
Automobiles will have another direct connection between Center avenue and Fifth avenue as the result of the asphalt and concrete work on Parkman avenue. This improvement is being pushed by the Schenley Farms Company. In addition to this work eight sets of concrete steps are being built from Fairfield lane to the houses in Center avenue. Fairfield lane is being beautified with a pretty park scheme.
Big McKeesport Deal.
Deeds have passed in a big transaction by which Joseph Conley sells to Sarah E. Lueckert a three-story buff brick building at Ringgold and Locust streets, McKeesport, for $55,000.
Record was made of a number of fair-sized real estate deals yesterday, chief among which was the sale of 76x161 feet in Summerlea street, near Holden street, Shadyside, to the National Land Company, for a consideration in the neighborhood of $16,000. The sale was made by Wesley C. McGrew. It is understood that the property will be improved with a fine apartment house.
The Otis B. Lane Building Company sold to A. P. Miller three seven-room frame dwellings in Fairywood, Ingram, for $11,250. Each lot is 30x105 feet.
Dissolve Well-Known Firm.
R. B. Macpherson, formerly president of the Coyle Realty Company, has sold out his interests in that concern to J. F. Wineland and has opened new offices on the sixth floor of the Keystone building. Mr. Macpherson will continue to do a general real estate business in all its branches. He has been a prominent figure in Fourth avenue for years.
Architects Vrydaugh and Wolfe are making plans for extensive alterations to the former Neeper residence in Woodland road, which was recently bought by W. B. Rodgers, former city solicitor.
A deed was filed yesterday showing the transfer of 30x100 feet at Norway and Bayonne streets, Beechview, from Robert R. Rothman to the Church of God Missionary home. The institution is chartered under New York laws. The transaction means the location of the home in Beechview. The purchase price as shown in the deed was $5.
Other Transactions.
Shadyside—Harold J. Lewis to Petter Sandomire, 106x30 feet, improved, Ivy street, near Ellsworth avenue, $10,000.
East End—A. J. Davis to W. J. Pfeil, 33x110 feet, improved, Fairmount avenue, $3,850.
Oakland—James A. Battle to George O. Rodgers, an improved lot in Robinson street, near Aliquippa, $3,000.
Lawrenceville—John F. Wunderlich to Robert Heymann, 20x100 feet, in Butler street, old Eighteenth ward, $3,000.
Beltzhoover—William S. Wortman to G. C. Brobeck, 37½x84 feet, improved, Maple street, old Thirty-first ward, $3,075.
Building Permits Issued.
Building permits were granted as follows yesterday:
Farrell Brothers, three two-story and attic brick veneer dwellings, in Realty street, near Broadway, Nineteenth ward, cost $12,000; Frank Arbuckle, two two-story and attic brick veneer dwellings, Termon avenue, near Hiawatha street, Twenty-seventh ward, cost $7,000; Alex. Buchan, one three-story brick apartments, California avenue, near Bonaventure alley, Twenty-seventh ward, cost $6,000; C. C. Hamilton, two two-story brick apartments, Friendship and Gross, Eighth ward, cost $35,000.