
From Pittsburgh Streets
Election Notice.

Whereas, In and by the thirteenth section of the act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2, 1839, entitled "An act relating to the elections in this Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the Sheriff of every county to give notice of such elections to be held, and enumerate in such notice what officers are to be elected: In pursuance thereof, I, R. H. FIFE, Sheriff of the county of Allegheny, do therefore make known, and give this public notice to the electors of said county of Allegheny, that a General Election will be held in said county on the FIRST TUESDAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, being the seventh day of the month, in the several election districts therein.

And as directed by said thirteenth section of the act of July, 1869, I hereby give notice that every person (excepting the Justices of the Peace), who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the United States, or this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer, or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of any city, or Commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for.

And further by the first section fo the act of March 31, 1864.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth at all general township, borough and special elections, are hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and be labeled outside "Judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all the State officers voted for, and be labeled "State;" one ticket shall embrace the named of all county officers voted for, including office of Senator, member and members of Assembly, if voted for, and member of Congress, if voted for, and be labeled "County;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and be labeled "Township;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all the borough officers voted for, and be labeled "Borough," and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes.

And whereas, by virtue of the Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania, adopted December 16, 1873,

Every male citizen 21 years of age, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First—He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second—He shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third—He shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. Fourth—If twenty-two years of age, or upward, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election.

Sec. 5. Electors shall in all cases except treason, felony and breach of security of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections, and in going to and returning therefrom; and

Whereas, By the act of Congress of the United States, entitled "An act to amend the several acts heretofore passed, to provide for the enrolling and calling out of the nationl [sic] forces, and for other purposes," and approved March 3, 1865, and all persons who have deserted the military or naval service of the United States, and who have not been discharged or removed from penalty or disability therein provided, are deemed and taken to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited their rights to citizenship, and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizenship thereof; and

Whereas, Persons not citizens of the United States are not, under the Constitution and the laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth,

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That in all elections to be held hereafter in this Commonwealth it shall be unlawful for the Judge or Inspectors of any such election to receive any ballot or ballots from any person or persons embraced in the provisions and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congress, approved March 3, 1868, and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots.

Section 2. That if any such Judge or Inspector of election, or any one of them, shall receive, or consent to receive any such unlawful ballot or ballots from any such disqualified person, he or they so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any Court of Quarter Sessions in this Commonwealth, shall, for each offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars; and to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the proper county for not less than sixty days.

Sec. 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid shall at any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the officers thereof and offer to vote a ballot or ballots, any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in any Court of Quarter Sessions of the Commonwealth, shall for each offense be punished in like manner as is provided in the preceding section of this act, in the case of officers of election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.

Sec. 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person or persons deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the officers of any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, such persons so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any Court of Quarter Sessions in this Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner as is provided in the second section of this act, in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.

Whereas, By the act of Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to enfore [sic] the right of citizens of the United States to vote in the several States of this Union, and for other purposes," the first and second sections of which are as follows:

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all citizens of the United States who are or shall be otherwise qualified by law to vote at any election by the people, in any State, Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, municipality, or other territorial subdivision, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, any constitution, law, custom, usage or regulation of any State or Territory, or by or under its authority, to the contrary notwithstanding.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if by or under the authority of the Constitution or laws of any State or the laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by such Constitution or law, persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform such prerequisites, or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such person or officer to give to all citizens of the United States the same and equal opportunity to perform such requisite, and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color or previous condition of servitude, and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shall, for every such offense forfeit and pay the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall seem just; and shall also for every such offense be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than Five Hundred Dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month or more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the Court.

And whereas, it is declared by the second section of VI. Article of the Constitution of the United States that "this Constitution, and laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land. * Anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

Whereas, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, as follows:

Sec. 1, The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.

Sec. 2, The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

And whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1870, passed an act entitled "A further supplement to the act relating to elections in this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows:

Sec. 10. That so much of every act of Assembly as provides that only white freemen shall be entitled to vote or registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general or special election of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinction of color, shall be enrolled and registered according to the provisions of the first section of the act approved the 17th of April, 1869, entitled "An act further supplemental to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to vote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth.

The electors of the First ward, city of Pittsburgh, First district, to meet at No. 16 Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house, corner of Short street and Second avenue, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the office of Alderman Humbert, on Fourth avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Second ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the sales stables of Rody Patterson, on Fourth avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district will meet at Napier's Carriage Bazaar, No. 138 Fourth avenue, in said ward. The electors fo the third district to meet at the public school house, corner Ross and Diamond streets, in said ward.

The electors of the Third ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at City Hall, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house on Grant street, in said ward.

The electors of the Fourth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the school house, corner of Penn avenue and Cecil's alley, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the office of Alderman Anderson, No. 216 Penn street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the house of J. S. Ramsey, corner Penn and Ninth streets, in said ward.

The eelctors of the Fifth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the office of the Clerk of Courts, at the Court House in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at McLaughlin's building, corner of Tunnel street and Wylie avenue, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the school house on Webster avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Sixth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at McCallin's livery stable, on Fifth avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house on Ann street, in said ward. Teh electors of the third district to meet at the Marion Exchange, corner of Marion street and Fifth avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet and the public school house, on Second avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Seventh ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at Klepner's saloon, corner of Fifth avenue and Federal street, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the school house, on Franklin street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the office of Alderman Butler, on Wylie avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Eighth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the paint shop, corner of Whiteside's alley and Fulton street, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the office of Alderman Alexander Seanor, on Wylie avenue, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the new club house on Center avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the house of Mr. Freese, No. 33 Colwell street, in said ward, which is by an order of Court made September 28th, 1876.

The electors of the Ninth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the office of Alderman O'Donnell, on Penn avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the office of the brass foundry, corner of Mulberry alley and Thirteenth street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the Ralston school house, in said ward.

The electors of the Tenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Lamb tavern, corner of Sixteenth street and Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at Alderman Moreland's office, No. 706 Penn avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Eleventh ward, city of Pittsburgh, First district, to meet at the station house on Center avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the dwelling house of James McRoberts, No. 301 Webster avenue, in said ward, which is by an order of Court made October 28, 1876. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the building of C. H. Love, on Wylie avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Twelfth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Spencer House, corner of Twenty-first street and Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of second district to meet at O'Hara school house, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at Rosewell's livery stable, on Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at Springfield school house, in said ward.

The election [sic] of the Thirteenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the public school house on Centre avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the Thirteenth ward Building and Loan Association on the east side of Somers street, between Wylie and Webster avenues, in said ward, which is by an order of court, made October 6, 1876. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house on Thirty-third street, in said ward.

The electors of the Fourteenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, meet at the office of the Excelsior Glass Works on Gist street in said ward. The electors of second district to meet at Mrs. Hague's store on Fifth avenue in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the Bellefield school house in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the Oakland car station on Fifth avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fifth district to meet at Soho school house, in said ward.

The electors of the Fifteenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the office of Alderman Johnson, on Butler street, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the Lawrence public scoool [sic] house in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the office of Alderman G. H. Rauhauser, on Butler street, in said ward.

The electors of the Sixteenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Howard school house, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at G. Stoy's office, on Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the office of Alderman Nesenthaler, on Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the Bloomfield public school house, in said ward. The electors of the fifth district to meet at the Friendship hotel, corner of Elm street and Liberty avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Seventeenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the house of William Miller, at the corner of Forty-second and Willow streets, in said ward, which is by an order of court made September 30, 1876. The electors of the second district to meet at the Washington public school house, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at Dr. Bearinger's office, on Butler street, near Forty-fourth street, in said ward. The electors of the Fourth district to meet at the Hatfield school house, in said ward.

The electors of the Eighteenth ward, city of Pittsburgh, to meet at the public school house, in said ward.

The electors of the Nineteenth ward, city of Pittsburg [sic], first district, to meet at the Hiland school house in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the engine house, corner of Hiland avenue and Broad street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the livery and sale stable of Peter Quinett, in said ward.

The electors of the Twentieth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at Moreland & Mitchell's livery stable on Penn avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house in the said ward The electors of third district to meet at the office of C. C. Atkinson, south side of Penn avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-first ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the public school house, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the Lemington school house, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house called "Homewood District," in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-second ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Irwin school house in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the Homewood Institute, on Homewood avenue, in the said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-third ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the store of J. W. G. Smith, Second avenue, Frankstown, in said ward. The electors of the Second district to meet at the Peeble's public school house, on Second avenue, east of Hazelwood avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-fourth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the public school house, corner of Twenty-seventh and Jane streets, in said ward. The electors of the second district, to meet at the office of Alderman J. A. Snyder, corner of Sarah and Union streets, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-fifth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the office of Alderman J. H. Patterson, corner of Sarah and Twenty-second streets, in said ward. The electors of the second district, to meet at the public school house, in said ward. The electors of the third district, to meet at the public house of Jacob Nehron, corner of Carson and Twenty-sixth streets, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-sixth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the tin shop of John Hughes, on Sidney street, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at Turner Hall, on Jane street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house, corner of Sarah and Twentieth streets, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the office of Campbell, Jones & Co., on Mary street, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-seventh ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at school house No. 1, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-eighth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at A. Rowitz's barber shop, on Fourteenth street, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the house of James W. Woodburn, No. 81 Thirteenth street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the Birmingham public school house, on Fourteenth street, in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-ninth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Bedford public school house in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at Bedford Hall, on Eleventh street, in said ward.

The electors of the Thirtieth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the office of Douglass & Son, No. 41 Carson street, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet the [sic] public school house in said ward.

The electors of the Thirty-first ward, city of Pittsburgh, to meet at the public school house in said ward.

The electors of the Thirty-second ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the public house of John Wilbert in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house in said ward.

The electors of the Thirty-third ward, city of Pittsburgh, to meet at the public school house in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-fourth [sic] ward, city of Pittsburgh, to meet at the public school house in said ward.

The electors of the Twenty-fifth [sic] ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Linhart public school house in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the old stone tavern in said ward.

The electors of the Thirty-sixth ward, city of Pittsburgh, first district, to meet at the Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Walnut and Chestnut streets, in Building and Loan Association room, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the Stephens public school house in said ward.

The electors of the First ward, city of Allegheny, to meet at the public school house, School street, in said ward.

The electors of the Second ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet at the public school house, on Sherman avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house, on North avenue, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet in the public school house, on North avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the public school house, on Irwin avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Third ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet at the public school house, on North avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house, on North avenue, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house, on North avenue, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the public school house, on Chestnut street, in said ward. The electors of the fifth district to meet at the public school house, on Chestnut street, in said ward.

The electors of the Fourth ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet at the public school house on Liberty street, first school district, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house on Liberty street, first school district, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house on Liberty street, first school district, in said ward. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the public school house on Liberty street, second school district, in said ward.

The electors of the Fifth ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet at the office of Alderman Isaac Stewart, on Beaver avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house on Fulton street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the office of C. W. Lighthill, No. 66 Ridge avenue, in said ward.

The electors of the Sixth ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet in the basement room of the old Sixth ward school house, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house on Chartier street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the house of George W. Exler, on Beaver avenue, near Nixon street, in said ward.

The electors of the Seventh ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet at the public school house, on Clark street, Troy Hill, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the office of Lutz & Walz's brewery, corner of Spring Garden avenue and Chestnut street, in said ward. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house, on East street, in said ward.

The electors of the Eighth ward, city of Allegheny, first district, to meet at the house of Ferdinand Flack, River avenue, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at the public school house, in said ward.

The electors of the Ninth ward, city of Allegheny, to meet at the school house near the House of Refuge, on Wood's run, in said ward.

By an order of Court made July 8, 1876, dividing the Tenth ward, Allegheny City, into two election districts: All that part lying northeast of Perrysville road and Federal lane to be known as district No. 2. The electors of the first district to meet at school house No. 2, in said ward. The electors of the second district to meet at school house No. 1, in said ward.

The electors of the Eleventh ward, city of Allegheny, to meet at the public house of Phillip Gerst, formerly Eckers' Hotel, in said ward.

By an order of Court made October 5, 1876, the electors of the borough of Braddocks will hereafter meet at the borough building known as the Council Chamber in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Bellevue to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Chartiers to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Etna to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Elizabeth to meet at the pablic [sic] school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of West Elizabeth to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Mansfield to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Millvale to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the First ward, borough of McKeesport, to meet at the office of James H. Berry, on Walnut street, in said borough.

The electors of the Second ward, borough of McKeesport, to meet at the office of A. J. Brown, on Walnut street, in said borough.

The electors of the Third ward, borough of McKeesport, to meet at Riverton school house, in said borough.

By an order of Court made June 10, 1876, the borough of Camden, to be known hereafter as the borough of Glenfield, the electors to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Sewickley to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Sharpsburg to meet at the public Town Hall, on Main street, in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Tarentum to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Verona, First ward, to meet at the Verona Station house, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, in said borough. The electors of the Second ward to meet at the Hulton Station house, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, in said borough.

The electors of the borough of West Bellevue to meet at the public school house in said borough.

The electors of the borough of Beltzhoover to meet at the house of L. Arrold, on Fifth street, in said borough.

The electors of Wilkins township, precinct No. 1, to meet at the public school house near Swissvale, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, in said precinct No. 1. Precinct No. 2, the electors to meet at the house of John Jenker, in the village of Turtle Creek, in said precinct No. 2 of Wilkins township.

By an order of Court made February 14, 1876, that part of Wilkin's [sic] township, formerly Thirty-seventh ward, Pittsburgh, to be known hereafter as election district Nos. 3 and 4, of Wilkin's [sic] township. The electors of the third district to meet at the public school house, in said district. The electors of the fourth district to meet at the ⸻, in said district.

By an order of Court made January 29, 1876, dividing Penn township into three election precints [sic], being divided by Quigley's Run, Leechburg road, Frankstown road and Taylor road. The electors of the first precinct to meet at the house of Matthew Lloyd, in said township. The electors of the second precinct to meet at the Washington school house, in said township. The electors of the third precinct to meet at the Monroe school house, in said township.

The electors of the township of Plum to meet at the school house near the village of New Texas.

By an order of Court made September 12, 1876, dividing Plum township and the formation of Ewing township, bounded by the Allegheny river, Poketo Creek, Westmoreland county, Penn township, Plum Creek and borough of Verona. The electors of said Ewing township to meet at McMath's school house, in said township.

The electors of Patton township, precinct No. 1, to meet at the public school house in the village of Turtle Creek. Precinct No. 2 to meet at the house of Mrs. Jane Taylor, in the village of Monroeville, in said township.

The electors of North Versailles township will meet at the Pleasant Hill school house.

The electors of Versailles township to meet at the Long Run school house, in said township.

The electors of South Versailles township to meet at the storehouse in Alpsville, now or formerly occupied by R. R. McQuiston, in said township.

The electors of Lincoln township to meet at the Jenny Lind school house in said township.

The electors of the township of Elizabeth, in the Greenoak district or precinct, to meet at the public school house in the village of Greenoak in said township. In Buena Vista district or precinct to meet at the Concord public school house, in Buena Vista, in said township of Elizabeth. In the Mt. Vernon district or precinct to meet at the Mount Vernon school house, in said township of Elizabeth, and the remainder of the township not embraced in the above district, to meet at Harmony school house in said township.

The electors of Forward township to meet at William Penn school house in said township.

The electors of Jefferson township to meet at Lowrie's school house in said township.

The electors of the first election district of Mifflin township to meet at the Lebanon school house. The electors of the second election district to meet at Dravosburg school house. The electors of the third election district to meet at the Homestead school house in said township.

The electors of Snowden township to meet at the house of Peter Boyer in said township.

The electors of the township of Baldwin, first precinct, to meet at the residence of Wm. Franey, in said township. Second precinct to meet at the public school house of John Gearing in said township.

The electors of Upper St. Clair township, first district, to meet at Foster's store, Bridgeville. The electors of the second district to meet at the house of the heirs of Amos Holland, in the village of Sodom, in said township.

The electors of Scott township, first precinct, to meet at the house of Andrew Giffin. The electors of the second precinct to meet at the public house of Thomas Alderson, on the old Washington road, in said township.

The electors of Union township to meet at the house of James Moles, in said township.

By an order of Court made May 1, 1876, dividing S. Fayette into two election districts, beginning at a point on line of Collier township, and extending thence so as to include the farms of Herriott, Hopper, Slater, Shaw, heris of Wm. Gladden, and Campbell, to line of Washington county, the above being the dividing line of said two districts. The electors of the first district to meet at Collin's Mills, in said township. The electors of the second district to meet at the Oakdale school house, in said township.

The electors of North Fayette township to meet at the house of Charles Veirick, at Roger's Mills, in said township.

The electors of Findley township to meet at the house of McClelland A. Armor, formerly occupied by J. Charles, in the village of Clinton, in said township.

By order of Court made March 7th, 1876, dividing Chartiers township into two election districts, all that part lying south and west of P., C. & St. L. R. R. to be known as precinct No. 1, the remainder as precinct No. 2.

The electors of precint [sic] No. 1 to meet at the brick school house, near Steubenville turnpike, in said township. The electors of precinct No. 2 to meet at Windgap school house, in said township.

The electors of Stowe township to meet at school house No. 2, in said township.

The electors of Crescent township to meet at the school house in Shousetown.

The electors of Moon township to meet at school house No. 5 in said township.

The electors of Robinson township, precinct No. 1 to meet at the public house kept by Patrick Halphin. The electors of precinct No. 2 to meet at the house of John F. Sept, in said township.

The electors of Kilbuck township to meet at school house No. 3, in Emsworth, in said township.

By order of Court made March 6, 1876, dividing Kilbuck township and formation of Aleppo township, bounded by Ohio river, Camden borough, Kilbuck township, Ohio township, Leet township and Sewickley borough, the electors of said Aleppo township to meet at Parks school house on the Beaver road, in said township.

By an order of Court made September 18, 1876, the electors of Leet township will hereafter meet at school house No. 6 on the Beaver road, in said township.

The electors of Sewickley township to meet at the house of Gardiner Winters, in said township.

The electors of Neville township will meet at school house No. 1, in said township.

The electors of Ohio township to meet at Duff's Mills in said township.

The electors of Franklin township to meet at the house occupied by Isaac Neely in said township.

The electors of Fawn township to meet at school house No. 2 in said township.

The electors of Harrison township to meet at the public school house in Natrona in said township.

The electors of Hampton township to meet at the house of William Peters in said township.

By an order of Court made May 1st, 1876, dividing Indiana township into two election districts, divided by line beginning at line of West Deer township at corner of section Nos. 142 and 143, in Cunningham's plan of depreciated lands, and running thence southwardly between sections 142, 143, 128, 127, 107, 108, 95 and 94, to line of Harmer township. The electors of the first precinct to meet at Miller's Hotel, in said township. The electors of the second precinct to meet at school house No. 7, in said township.

The electors of Marshall township to meet at the store of James Neely, in said township.

The electors of Pine township to meet at school house No. 4, in said township.

The electors of Reserve township to meet at the house of Michael Wagenheiser, in said township.

The electors of McCandless township to meet at the house of Frank Morrison, in said township.

The electors of Shaler township, precinct No. 1, to meet at the public school house No. 1, in said precinct. Precinct No. 2, to meet at Shaw's Mills, in said precinct of Shaler township.

The electors of West Deer township to meet at the store of John D. Ackley, in said township.

The electors of East Deer township, first district, to meet at the school house at the mouth of Bailey's Run, in said township.

By order of court made September 29, 1876, dividing East Deer township and the formation of Springdale township, bounded by the Allegheny river, the Fisher tract and Harmer township, the electors of said Springdale township to meet at the public school house in said township.

The electors of Richland township to meet at the public school house at Bakerstown.

The electors of Ross township, precinct No. 1, to meet at the store of John Rosshouse, in said township. Precinct No. 2 to meet at the public house of James Gorby, known as Gorby's Five Mile Run House, on the Perrysville road, in said township.

The electors of O'Hara township, first district, to meet at Hoboken school house. The electors of the second district to meet at Robinson's school house in said township.

The electors of the township of Harmer to meet at the Deer Creek Hotel in said township.

The electors of Collier township to meet at the house of Catharine Manion in said township.

The electors of the township of Lower St. Clair, first district, to meet at the Mount Oliver school house.

By an order of Court made January 10, 1876, the second precinct of Lower St. Clair township incorporated into borough of West Liberty, the electors to meet at School House on Washington avenue, in said borough. The electors of the third precinct, said township, to meet at the house of John Maguire, in the village of Williamsburg.

At which time and places the qualified electors as aforesaid will, by ballot, vote for twenty-nine persons to be Electors of a President and Vice President of the United States. One person for Congress from Twenty-second district. One person for Congress from Twenty-third district. Four persons for State Senate, being one person from Forty-second district, one person from Forty-third district, one person from Forty-fourth district, and one person from Forty-fifth district.

Fourteen members for Members of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, being three persons from First district, two persons from Second district, one person from Third district, four persons from Fourth district, two persons from Fifth district, and two persons from Sixth district.

One person for Prothonotary.

One person for County Treasurer.

One person for Coroner.

One person for Jury Commissioner.

One person for County Director of the Poor.

Given under my hand, at my office, at Pittsburgh, this 7th day of October, A. D. 1876, SEAL. in the one hundredth and first year of the Independence of the United States.


Sheriff's Office,
October 7th, 1876.