☞ We must again remind our Democratic friends that on to morrow, (Saturday,) the primary meetings will be held, at the usual places. The Democrats of the different wards of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny; will assemble at 7½ o'clock, P. M. and in the boroughs and townships in the country, the meetings will take place at 3½ o'clock, P. M.
☞ We are requested to say that the Democrats of the 3d ward will meet (as heretofore) at the Duquesne House, John King's, at the corner of Grant street and Coal lane, dubbed by the whig council "Webster street." The meeting will commence at 7½ o'clock P. M.
☞ The County Convention will assemble at the new Court House, on Wednesday, June 30th at 10 o'clock, A. M.
We earnestly hope that the Democracy will turn out in their strength, at the primary meetings, and by so doing; all unpleasant imputations in regard to trickery and management may be avoided hereafter.