"Dedication of Stratford avenue, from Penn avenue to Coral street." Pittsburgh city dedication, 1900–1901, no. 36. Signed and sealed Apr. 19, 1900; notarized Apr. 25, 1900; read, accepted and approved in Councils June 4, 1900. Ordinance Book 13, p. 206. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh, for the Year 1900–1901, appendix, p. 15, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1901 (Google Books DsBEAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust chi.096599021; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecordcommon1900).
No. 36.
DEDICATION—Of Stratford avenue, from Penn avenue to Coral street.
To the City of Pittsburgh:
The City of Pittsburgh, by Ordinance approved January 29, 1892, of record in Ordinance Book volume 8, page 195, located a street called Onyx street forty (40) feet wide through my property, situated in the Twentieth ward, Pittsburgh, Pa., from Penn avenue to Coral street, as by reference to said records will more fully appear. I am the sole owner of all the property on both sides of said street between said points. Subsequently, I widened said street by adding ten (10) feet of my own property on the westerly side thereof, so as to make said street conform to Stratford avenue, by which name the said street has been and is now known. I also, at my own expense, graded said street to the width of fifty (50) feet, paved and curbed the same, and constructed a sewer therein—all under the supervision and agreeable to the requirements of the said Engineer's Office.
Now, therefore, I, Priscilla S. Hugus (widow lady), do hereby dedicate the said street of the width of fifty (50) feet, with all the improvements therein as aforesaid to said City of Pittsburgh, as a public highway and said sewer as a public sewer, and, further, I do hereby release the said city from all damages by reason of the widening of said street as aforesaid. I hereby request the said city to accept said avenue as improved and to take charge of the same as a public highway and said sewer as a public sewer.
Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of April, 1900.
Priscilla S. Hugus. [seal]
City of Pittsburgh, ss:
Personally appeared, Priscilla S. Hugus, who, being duly sworn according to law, doth depose and say that she is the owner of all the property in the above dedication.
Priscilla S. Hugus.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 25th day of April, A. D. 1900.
[seal] William F. Robb,
Notary Public.
In Councils June 4, 1900. Read, accepted and approved.
John S. Lambik,
President of Select Council.
E. J. Martin,
Clerk of Select Council.
J. Guy McCandless,
President of Common Council.
W. C. Gearing,
Clerk of Common Council.