No. 146.
DEDICATION—Of the ground for half of Lyric street, from Lincoln avenue to Dagg alley, and from Lincoln avenue to Charley alley, and Tennis street, from Lincoln avenue to Dagg alley, and Atwell street, from Lincoln avenue to Dagg alley, and Dagg alley from Tennis street to Lyric street, and Charley alley, from Atwell street to Lyric street, 21st ward.
Know All Men By These Presents, That I, George Finley, of the 21st ward, of the City of Pittsburgh, for and in consideration of the benefit and advantage accruing to me and my property, do hereby give and dedicate to public use all those certain streets and alleys in said ward and City as follows, namely:
First, The western one-half of Lyric street, from the corner of Lincoln avenue and Lyric street northwardly to Dagg alley, a distance of 561.50 feet, more or less.
Also, the western one-half of Lyric street, from the corner of Lincoln and Lyric streets to an alley called Charley alley, 20 feet wide, a distance of 360 feet.
Also, Tennis alley, 20 feet wide, from Lincoln avenue eastwardly to Charley alley, a distance of 439.50 feet.
Also, Tennis street, including the small triangular point, as shown in the plan hereinafter indicated, from Lincoln avenue northwardly to Dagg alley, a distance of 524 feet, more or less, to said alley.
Also, Atwell street, from Lincoln avenue eastwardly to Charley alley, a distance of 522 feet to said alley.
Also, Dagg alley, 25 feet wide, from Tennis street to Lyric street, a distance of 120 feet.
Also, the said Charley alley, from Atwell street to Lyric street, a distance of 260 feet, the said Charley alley being 20 feet in width.
And which said streets so by me given and dedicated to public use, are marked and defined in a certain plan of lots laid out by me, and approved by the City Engineer of the City of Pittsburgh, on the 25th day of November, A. D. 1884, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Allegheny County, in Plan Book Vol. 7, page 117.
And I do hereby agree, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that the said streets and alleys and parts thereof, hereinbefore named and described, and shown in said plan, shall and may forever hereafter be taken, used and enjoyed by the public for travel and traffic thereon.
I, however, reserving to myself, my heirs and assigns, the fee-simple in said streets, alleys and parts thereof, so that, should the same at any time hereafter, be abandoned, vacated or ceased to be used by the public, the same shall revert to, and be reinvested in me, and my heirs and assigns.
And I do, by these presents, petition and request the City of Pittsburgh, through the Select and Common Councils thereof, to accept this dedication for public uses, and to do and perform such acts as shall give said city full control over said streets and alleys and parts thereof.
Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of December, A. D. 1885.
Geo. Finley. [Seal.]
City of Pittsburgh.
On the 4th day of December, before me, the undersigned authority, personally came the above named George Finley, and acknowledged the above and foregoing instrument of writing to be his act and deed, and desired the same might be recorded as such.
Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.
W. W. Whitesell, [Seal.]
Notary Public.
In Councils January 11, 1886, read, received, accepted and approved.
H. I. Gourley,
President of Select Council.
Geo. Sheppard,
Clerk of Select Council.
W. R. Ford,
President of Common Council.
Geo. Booth,
Clerk of Common Council.
Ordinance Book 5, page 397.