
From Pittsburgh Streets

The Complaint Book.—The value of the complaint book as a remedial agent is beginning to be appreciated by our citizens. A good many pages have already been filled and so far as we have learned, every reasonable complaint has been promptly attended to when in the power of the officers to remedy it.

The complaints entered yesterday are as follows:

That a crowd of rowdies are in the habit of congregating at the corner of O'Hara and Penn streets, every day. Last Sunday, there were as many as sixteen there at one time. They are a nuisance to the entire neighborhood.

That Foster's Alley near Sixth street is in such a bad condition that the waste water cannot be carried along the alley, but runs over into the cellar of the lot on the lower corner of Sixth street and the Alley.

That a cartway over the board side walk on Webster street above Fulton, entirely obstructs the walk and should be removed.

That there is a cock pit kept in Wilkins Hall to the annoyance of the neighbors and injurious to the health of a woman lying sick in the building. (This is the second time this notorious house has been complained of this week.)

That six or seven public lamps on Pennsylvania Avenue are not lighted at half past eight o'clock, though the night is dark, and there are several piles of obstructions in the street. (The Watchmen state that they cannot get the gas to burn owing to frost in the pipes.)

That the side walk adjoining and below house No. 100 on Ross street has been made a depot for the ashes of those residing at corner of Ross and Fifth streets (opposite side) and is in an almost impassable condition.

That during market hours a large number of drays, carts, hand-carts, &c., are permitted to occupy the west side of the Diamond to the great annoyance of persons living on that side as well as to country people coming to market in wagons.

That on every Tuesday and Friday mornings from about 3 o'clock to daylight there is so much hallooing and loud talk in the Scotch Hill Market House, that it has become a nuisance. Persons in the neighborhood cannot sleep well on account of it.