The City Councils held their regular monthly meeting on Monday night.
In Select Council, Mr. Herdman offered a resolution for a fire plug at the corner of Strawberry alley and Grant street. Adopted.
Mr. Bennett presented a report of the Finance Committee, together with a resolution directing the Solicitor to enter judgment against W. & P. Seibert for paving Market House in the Fifth ward, amounting to $42 66. Report accepted and resolution adopted.
Mr. Bennett offered the following:
Resolved, That the Finance Committee be and they are hereby empowered to hypothecate one hundred and seventy-five shares of gas stock for a temporary loan of $8,700 to pay interest on municipal bonds due in Philadelphia October 1st, 1858. Adopted.
Also a resolution transferring appropriations, which was laid on the table.
Two thousand dollars was transferred from appropriation No. 16 to appropriation No. 10, to pay paving on Monongahela Wharf.
A variety of business of Common Council, at last meeting, was taken up and disposed of.
Mr. Bennett offered a proposition of citizens to convert the Second Ward Market into a public park at no expense to the city. The necessary title papers to the ground had also been procured.
Mr. Bennett offered an ordinance granting the ground for a public park, which was adopted.
Resolution for gas lamp at Grace church, corner Webster and Grant streets. Referred to Gas Committee.
Mr. Kincaid, resolution for abatement on English Smith's property on Fulton street. Referred to Finance Committee.
Mr. Bennett, a resolution adding $1500 to No. 7 for repairing streets and charge appropriation No. 16. Adopted.
C. C. concurred in all the action of S. C. and adjourned.
In Common Council, President M'Kelvy in the chair.
Petitions for gas mains on the south side of Penn street from Locust to Carson, one for extension of mains across Pride and along Locust street, and along the north side of Webster street from Fulton to Gum streets, were referred to the Gas Committee.
A resolution, authorizing the Water Committee to lay pipes on Morton, Magee, Webster and Third streets, as recommended by them in their report, at the last meeting, and charge the same to appropriation No. 6, being objected to on second reading, the rules were suspended, and the order passed.
In S. C. this resolution was amended, by making this proviso: "If the Committee believe they have the necessary sum unexpended." Coming back to C. C., their former action was receded from, and action of S. C. concurred in.
A resolution was passed authorizing the Controller to draw his warrant for $129 30 in favor of W. P. Marshall & Co., for paper furnished and varnishing the Council Chambers.
Mr. Errett offered the following, which was read three times and passed:
Resolved, That a committee of three, two from the Common, and one from the Select, be appointed to confer with committees from the adjacent city and boroughs, upon the subject of forming a joint ordinance for the regulation of licenses on vehicles, under the Act of Assembly, passed April 21st, 1858, with power to frame an ordinance and make arrangements for a joint meeting of the several municipal bodies interested. On the part of the Common Council, Messrs. Errett and Robb were appointed on the Committee, and Mr. Brown from the Select Council.
A resolution for gas lamp on the corner of Hand street and Duquesne Way, and O'Brien's alley and Duquesne Way, was referred to Committee on Gas Lighting.
A resolution asking that the fire plug on the corner of Wylie and Washington streets be connected with the pipe from the upper works, at the corner of Elm and Wylie streets, was referred to Water Committee.
A resolution for a public lamp on the corner of Townsend and Clark streets, was read three times and passed.
A resolution requesting the Board of Gas Trusteee [sic] to extend a gas main across Pennsylvania avenue to Boyd street, and to erect a gas lamp on the corner of those two streets; was read three times and passed.
A resolution for gas pipes, on Penn street, from Morrison to Clymer, was referred to Gas Committee.
In all the action of S. C. not otherwise noted, C. C. concurred.
On motion Council adjourned.