The special committee of Allegheny Council, appointed to suggest names for streets the names of which have been duplicated, met last night and suggested the following changes: Beech street, from New Brighton road to Woodland avenue, to be known as Acorn street; Bell avenue, from Federal street to Willow street, Mascott avenue; Benton street, from Spencer street to Saud street, Pacific street; Ceder [sic] avenue, from Ohio to North avenue, Clyde street; Benton alley from Federal street to Irwin avenue, Bent alley; Clyde street from Broadway northward, Burns street; Ann street from Buchannan to Herman street, Bud street; Anna street from township northward, Watson avenue; Ashton street from Black lane, Kimberlin street; Central street from Woods Run avenue southward, Aldine street; Carter street from Irwin avenue, Centennial street; Centre street from Marshall avenue, Atlantic street; Centre alley from Point street to Basin street, Stone alley; Centre alley from Federal street to Sandusky street, Alaska alley, Church alley from Ohio street to Vinial street; Chapel alley; Cliff street from Cedar avenue northward, Crest street. The committeemen being exhausted, stopped for the svening [sic], but will resume the work in a few days.