At the forthcoming general election, November 4, the electors of Carrick will be asked to signify their approval of the purchase of a tract of about 20 acres of woodland, at a price of $1,500 per acre, which is to be devoted to a park and public recreation ground. An option has been obtained from the trustee of the estate of Mary K. Coffey, owner of the land, to be good until December 31 of this year.
The proposed park will be bounded on the south by Sinton avenue, on the east, in part by Spokane avenue, in the Overbrook plan; in part on the east by Park way, and on the north and west by a proposed road to be known as Park boulevard, which is to be opened through the Briggs and Coffey properties, so that practically the entire tract will be surrounded by public roads, but with no vehicle roads running through it.
The tract contains more than 250 red and white oak trees, some 70 feet in height, with many others of beech, walnut, maple, chestnut and locust.
At a public meeting of the people of Carrick borough, held May 22, a committee of five citizens was named to further the project. The membership of the committee since has been increased to 18, with J. Boyd Duff as chairman. Other members of the committee are: George L. Sutter, the Rev. John A. Waters, Alois Winter, John M. Phillips, William Ruske, John H. Nusser, J. A. J. Haupt, William E. Sankey, A. H. Stolzenbach, Louis A. Diehl, the Rev. Charles J. Steppling, D. J. Smith, Frank M. Sankey, William M. Donley, David Rosser, Freedrick A. Sacher and Dr. H. C. Updegraff.
The committee has proposed a bond issue of $40,000, of which $30,000 will be applied to pay for the property, and the remaining $10,000 to be used for such improvements as may be required.