
From Pittsburgh Streets
Wealthy Manufacturer and Engineer Meets Death Near His Penn Avenue Home.
Leaves Notable Record as Official in Great Westinghouse Interests.

WILLIAM WARREN CARD, millionaire engineer and manufacturer, and one of the best known railroad men of the country, was struck by a trolley car near his residence at Penn and Lang avenues, Homewood, and fatally injured at noon yesterday. Without regaining consciousness he died in his home two hours after the accident happened. Mr. Card was vice president of the Westinghouse Air Brake Company, and was on his way home from his office in Wilmerding when he met with the accident that caused his sudden and startling death.

In spite of his age, he was 72 years old, it was the practice of Mr. Card not to miss a day in his office. It was his custom upon returning home to take a car which would stop at the Homewood station on the Pennsylvania railroad, which was nearest to his home. Yesterday, unfortunately, the train he took at Wilmerding did not stop at Homewood and so he left it at Wilkinsburg, taking a Penn avenue car in from there. The ride from Wilkinsburg is about a mile in distance.

Saw Danger Too Late.

When Homewood avenue was approached by the car he was on he gave the signal to stop and got off at the corner. Unaware of danger which lurked ahead on the eastbound track he turned and started to cross in the rear of the one he had alighted from. As he placed his foot on the eastbound track eastbound car No. 3181, concealed by the rumble and form of the car he had just stepped from, was upon him. He did not catch sight of it in time to jump back out of the way and tried to leap forward out of danger.

The car, which was one of heavy type, struck him with full force and sent the body hurling through the air several feet ahead. Upon coming down the body was thrown against the curb stone and laid there limp and lifeless. The car was brought to a standstill and passengers and crew alighted to render what assistance they could.

A number of firemen hurried to the scene from the nearby engine house at Lang avenue. Many were on the scene in a short time who recognized the injured man and lent what assistance they could to render his condition as comfortable as possible. Several ugly wounds about the head argued against hopes for his recovery and he was tenderly born to his residence close by and medical attention brought. Dr. Lawrence Litchfield, Dr. R. A. Stewart and D. J. J. Buchanan were among those who sought to save his life.

An examination of the body showed that the skull had been fractured in two places. The base of the skull was crushed in and there was another bad wound on the left forehead. The man's right leg was also fractured.

Were Fast Friends.

Mr. Card was numbered among the most prominent citizens of Pittsburg. He kept himself modestly in the background in anything he did, whether it was financial, charitable or social, but his broad minded and liberal influences in each of these directions gave him a standing that not many could have claimed.

Mr. Card was one of those quiet but moving spirits in anything with which he associated his energies. Years ago he gained the acquaintance of George Westinghouse, and this ripened into a friendship that was enduring. The one an engineer and the other an inventor, had many things in common, which tended to bring them very close together.

Mr. Card was born in Nelson, Madison county, N. Y., September 6, 1831. His father was a civil engineer before him and it was natural that the son who showed aptitude for the details of that profession should gain an early start in that field.

He did follow in the same business, and when still young had gained enough insight into it to give him courage to start out for himself. He went West, and in 1851 became engaged in the engineering department of the Panhandle railroad. He located at Lancaster, O., and after a few years' association with the Panhandle, he left it to build the Cleveland, Loraine & Wheeling railroad. In 1859 he returned to the Panhandle and became superintendent of the Steubenville division.

It was while superintendent of the Steubenville division that the acquaintance of Mr. Westinghouse was gained. Mr. Westinghouse was at that time trying to introduce some practical form of airbrake. After events determined that he had found just the right man in Mr. Card to perform the important task for him.

The airbrakes were tested under Mr. Card's supervision, and gained their first recognition of practical advantages under that test. This was done on the Steubenville division of the Panhandle. In 1870 Mr. Card was attracted to this city by inducements of Mr. Westinghouse, and became connected with the Westinghouse Airbrake Company. In 1880 he was elected secretary of the company, which position he retained until October of last year, when he retired and was given the title of vice president.

Mr. Card was president of the Pittsburg Screw & Bolt Company. He was a heavy stockholder in the Westinghouse interests and was connected with most of the successful financial interests of the city.

Mr. Card was twice married. He is survived by his second wife and four children. He was first married in Columbus, O., in 1862, to Miss Hattie Dinsmore. She died in 1879. In March, 1890, he was married to Miss Mary Llewellyn, at Washington, D. C. The surviving children are:

W. D. Card of Chicago, H. S. Card of Zanesville, O., and Mrs. Nellie Card Moore, of this city, children by his first marriage, and Miss Ruth Card, daughter of the present Mrs. Card.

Mr. Card was one of the active promoters of the Pittsburg Free Kindergarten association. He was a member of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church. He has been a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers since 1883. He gave a great deal of his wealth to charitable purposes, but was always unostentatious in anything of the kind.

Arrangements for the funeral were made last evening. Services will be at the family residence to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The interment will be private.