—The residence of Mr. James Gray, at Plum Creek, was entered by thieves on Tuesday night and a lot of clothing and a gold watch stolen.
—John Werner, engineer at Anderson's steel works, on Second avenue, was severely scalded the other evening by the bursting of a steam pipe.
—Officer Donnelly, corner man at Seventh avenue and Smithfield street, has found a silver watch and chain, which was lying in a gutter near by.
—A barn, owned by a Mr. Anderson, in Plum township, was destroyed by fire a few nights ago. Loss $2,000. The fire is thought to be of an incendiary origin.
—A man named Wagner, employed at McNeil's boiler yard, Lawrenceville, was struck in the hip with a piece of iron yesterday morning and seriously injured.
—A coal train jumped the track on the B. & O. Railroad, near the entrance of the tunnel on Second avenue, yesterday morning, delaying trains for nearly a half an hour.
—The suit before Alderman Leslie against Patrick McGuire for mayhem and aggravated assault and battery has been withdrawn. Stephen Morris was the prosecutor.
—John and Mary Welsh, residents of Twenty-first street, were each sent to the Workhouse for thirty days by Deputy Mayor Porter yesterday on a charge of disorderly conduct.
—Mrs. Ella Earhart, wife of Captain Nat. Earhart, of the steamer Katie Stockdale, committed suicide on Wednesday night at her home in Harmar, Ohio, by hanging herself.
—John McDonough was injured at the East Liberty stock yards on Wednesday, by a wild steer, which gored his arm to such an extent that he may lose the use of that member.
—Pat Dougherty, employed at the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, was run over by a car at the blast furnace day before yesterday and both of his legs near the hip badly lacerated. He will recover.
—Wm. Lucas, colored, who was discharged as a coachman by George T. Oliver, Esq., and afterwards returned to the coach house and stole two overcoats, has been arrested at Martinsburg, W. Va., where he is in jail awaiting a requisition.
—Those of our readers in search of choice reading matter for Sunday should call at the book and news store of R. S. Davis, 66 Fifth avenue, and lay in a supply. All the latest papers and books to be had can be found on his counter.
—Joseph Miller, a painter, fell from a swinging ladder at the Bavarian hotel, corner of Liberty street and Slocum's alley, on Wednesday afternoon and sustained painful injuries. One of his arms was broken. He was removed to the West Penn Hospital.
—Mr. James Gardener, a surgeon residing on Vickroy street, Sixth ward, was knocked down and robbed of a small sum of money at the corner of Old avenue and High street about ten o'clock Wednesday night. The thieves missed taking a fine gold watch.
—The first of the Ladies' Monthly Sociables will be held in the parlors of the Third Presbyterian Church, Sixth avenue, this (Friday) evening. In connection with it the Young People's Association will give a musical and literary entertainment. All are cordially invited.
—A new automatic street railway switch has been constructed at the corner of Seventh avenue and Smithfield street. The connection is made by the weight of the team and metal cover of the machine concealed beneath. A number will be constructed on the Transverse Railway.
—A small boy named Dunn was bitten in the cheek by a ferocious dog on Watson street on Wednesday afternoon. The flesh near his eye was lacerated badly. The canine was killed. A boy named Benny Mason residing in a court off Gibson street, had his nose and face lacerated by a dog yesterday. He was teasing the animal when bitten.
—A hearing was had before Mayor Lyon yesterday in the case of the five boys from Hazlewood charged with barricading the shop of John McKenzie, a shoemaker, at Hazlewood, on Hallowe'en night, and throwing rotten egg over the transom. There was no evidence to hold the boys and they were discharged. It is said that several girls really did the egg throwing.
—A little daughter of Leopold Hart, a saloonkeeper on Penn avenue, near Thirty-first street, was knocked down and run over by a heavy coal wagon on Penn avenue on Wednesday evening, and seriously injured. It is thought that she cannot recover. Mr. Hart has sued Wm. Ferry, the driver of the wagon, before Alderman Porter. He was held in $1,000 bail for a hearing.
—A large frame house, owned by Michael Mallory, in Panther Hollow, near Oakland avenue, was totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday night. Mallory has lived the life of a hermit in Panther Hollow for at least twenty years. The location of the building rendered it impossible for the department to reach it and no alarm was sounded.
—John and Mary Fitzsimmons were committed to the Workhouse for thirty days each by Alderman Porter yesterday for habitual drunkenness. The family have been living in squalor and filth in Armstrong's row, on Liberty street, Twelfth ward. The three children will be turned over to the Humane Society. The mother testified under oath that the father had outraged his fourteen year old daughter.