
From Pittsburgh Streets
Residents Want Euphonius' [sic] Substitution for Beltzhoover.

Renewed efforts to change the name of Beltzhoover Ave., in the Eighteenth ward, are in prospect in City Council as a result of a petition, signed by 60 residents of the street and presented by Councilman Garland.

The petition stated a name is desired which will be "more euphonius [sic], shorter and more convenient to speak and write." Victory Ave. was proposed as a first choice. Tulane Ave. was also suggested.

Council has pending two ordinances, proposed by the City Planning Commission, changing the name of McKnight St., between Wilmerding St. and Banksville Ave., Twentieth ward, to Woodruff Ave., and the name of Woodville Ave., between Woodruff and Wilmerding St., to Woodruff Ave.

Widening Is Proposed.

The measures also propose widening McKnight and Woodville, so Woodruff Ave., as now widened, will be extended from Woodville Ave. to Banksville Ave. The estimated damage costs total $39,100.

Completion of this dual project will finish the widening program for streets connecting directly with Saw Mill Run Blvd., now under construction by Allegheny County, the Planning Commission said.

Director of Public Works Lang yesterday asked Council to approve an agreement with county authorities binding the city to payment of $250,000 to $280,000, property damages, for construction of approaches to the projected S. Tenth St. bridge.

Bridge to Cost Two Million.

The county expects to spend nearly $2,000,000 in building the new span across the Monongahela River.

Lang also requested authority to ask bids on drainage repairs for the Corliss St. tunnel. He proposes to construct a sewer from Danly St. to the mouth of the tube.

An ordinance was presented for widening Strawberry Way, between William Penn Way and Montour Way, from 12 to 14½ feet, and reducing the north walk from 4 to 1½ feet. A change in grade is also to be made, Lang said, to conform to the new Bell Telephone Co. building, now under construction.

Slight increase in the grade of Norwood Ave., between Watson Blvd. and the Marshall Field plan of lots, North Side, is proposed by the director. The new grade will be 10 9-10 per cent, he said. Plans to establish a 24-foot roadway, two eight-foot walks and a 10 per cent grade in Scout Ave., between Madeline and Rehman Sts., were submitted to Council.